These chairs are great for the money you spend! They are so easy to assemble and come with all parts. They are so pretty and the swivel feature is nice. I would recommend them to anyone!
We got these for our vacation home to replace some cheaper ones we originally bought that were all broken. These are sturdy and beautiful and we couldnt be happier.
Love the look of these chairs, love that they swivel, and love that they have backs but after a few months the seats came lose and the only way to tighten them is to take the seats completely off the legs, tighten, then put the seat back onthen about a year later the bars that your feet rest on started breaking off, very very frustrating.
I was a little hesitant to buy these, as I needed 6 of them for the island in my kitchen. Im so glad I ordered these! They are so worth the price I paid for them. They are easy to assemble and there were no missing parts. They look so good! I had been looking at several different options and all the chairs were so expensive. If you are on the fence with this purchase, dont be! Buy them!!
Great chairs! Beautiful, easy to assemble, easy to clean
These chairs are great for the money you spend! They are so easy to assemble and come with all parts. They are so pretty and the swivel feature is nice. I would recommend them to anyone!
Great Counter height stools!!
These chairs are great! Put together in about an hour. They feel really sturdy and super cute!!
So cute
They took a while to put together but overall I do love the way they look!
Great find
We got these for our vacation home to replace some cheaper ones we originally bought that were all broken. These are sturdy and beautiful and we couldnt be happier.
Beautiful chairs!
These chairs match perfect with my floors, are beautiful and very well made! I had put them togethermaybe thats why I like them so much! Lol
Loved them at first
Love the look of these chairs, love that they swivel, and love that they have backs but after a few months the seats came lose and the only way to tighten them is to take the seats completely off the legs, tighten, then put the seat back onthen about a year later the bars that your feet rest on started breaking off, very very frustrating.
Looks nice, hard to put together
Looks great, hard to put together.
Aming chairs!
These are absolutely beautiful, made from real wood, heavy and sturdy! I was absolutely impressed!
These are really nice chairs!
I was a little hesitant to buy these, as I needed 6 of them for the island in my kitchen. Im so glad I ordered these! They are so worth the price I paid for them. They are easy to assemble and there were no missing parts. They look so good! I had been looking at several different options and all the chairs were so expensive. If you are on the fence with this purchase, dont be! Buy them!!
Very good!
It is very good!!!I think it fit for my home completely. Maybe someone think that these chairs have been already here as built/in furniture.
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