This bike was easy to assemble, looks and operates great. We liked the first one so much we bought a second one. The quality is excellent and the price was unbelievable especially when you consider the price of other ebikes on the market. I would highly recommend this one. The biggest surprise to me was how much power this thing has. It really moves if you are using the power assist or full electric.
I had given up riding as I am getting older, cant do the hills anymore. This bike is a game changer. I hit a hill or just a bit tired, kick in the electric and good to go!
It is on the heavier side of bikes. Its great for when youre tired of pedaling you can turn on the electric mode and enjoy the ride. Battery lasts awhile. I went on a 2/3 hour ride going between pedaling and full on electric.
My husband bought this bike for me to commute to and from work. It makes the trip fun and not a struggle. No issues yet. Only issue I see is that the fenders are flimsy and cheap, but mose bikes dont even have them. This thing rips in full speed mode. Pedal assist is great. The saddle is a bit hard but I plan on getting a softer one soon. Its easy to maneuver. Easy to ride and switch modes. I feel like the bad reviews are just a fluke. Great for the price.
Nice folding ebike. Suits my purpose. I have a larger ebike for day to day (27 wheel, longer frame.Im 62). I bought as a spare for guests and to bring in the car,( my other bike is too big). Overall very nice a good value.
Btw.staff was very prompt with answers and referred me to YouTube for some helpful assembly videos.
Im 66yrs old. I wanted an ebike bike so when I go out for a ride Im sure that I can get back. ( have leg problems). This bike is great. I can pedal with assist or without. I bought a trailer for my dog to go with me and the bike handles that to. It folds so I can put it and the wifes folding bike and the folding trailer in the back of my forester. The seat is not comfortable I replaced it with a bigger seat. So far the battery is good havent gone real far but it is not going down fast. Would buy again.
My hubby and I both purchased this bike for a trip to Bryce Canyon National Park. We are in our 50s and havent rode in a while so I knew we were going to need something different from regular bike. We LOVE this bike and was out on a ride almost daily. My hubby also bought a dog carrier so he was pulling our little Sporkie around the park with no problems. The battery usually gave us a whole day of bike riding as long as we kept on a low or medium. We only tried to use the high setting if we had to go up hill. The beauty of this bike is that it helps while you peddle and that was a saver for our knees and thighs. We were still doing the physical peddling but it was not just our powering it. It does give you the option of just using the battery to ride around but that depletes your battery pretty quick. This has made riding a bike fun again for this grandma and grandpa. Highly recommend this bike!
This bike so far is best money spent I have had it only a few days an have already traveled to parts of my area I didnt know existed. Its awesome to ride fast but not sweat. Just a heads up you will have to tightened a few nuts and bolts here and there after the first ridebut that should be obvious. I got this bike to get outside and I can no longer stay inside. Im literally waiting on the battery to be 100 again than going back outside, Im 32 and feel like im 13 again. The mudflats suck. And take the tool bag with you that comes in the package. If your waiting to buy than your not smart.
Great bike at a great price! We bought a second one.
This bike was easy to assemble, looks and operates great. We liked the first one so much we bought a second one. The quality is excellent and the price was unbelievable especially when you consider the price of other ebikes on the market. I would highly recommend this one. The biggest surprise to me was how much power this thing has. It really moves if you are using the power assist or full electric.
Make seat shorter
Seat was too tall couldnt reach peddles
Never get tired
I had given up riding as I am getting older, cant do the hills anymore. This bike is a game changer. I hit a hill or just a bit tired, kick in the electric and good to go!
Good bike
It is on the heavier side of bikes. Its great for when youre tired of pedaling you can turn on the electric mode and enjoy the ride. Battery lasts awhile. I went on a 2/3 hour ride going between pedaling and full on electric.
Still putting it together. Hubby says I bought it, I put it together
So far I love it. Cant wait to finish putting it together. And its also very nice looking
Great so far
My husband bought this bike for me to commute to and from work. It makes the trip fun and not a struggle. No issues yet. Only issue I see is that the fenders are flimsy and cheap, but mose bikes dont even have them. This thing rips in full speed mode. Pedal assist is great. The saddle is a bit hard but I plan on getting a softer one soon. Its easy to maneuver. Easy to ride and switch modes. I feel like the bad reviews are just a fluke. Great for the price.
Nice folding ebike.
Nice folding ebike. Suits my purpose. I have a larger ebike for day to day (27 wheel, longer frame.Im 62). I bought as a spare for guests and to bring in the car,( my other bike is too big). Overall very nice a good value. Btw.staff was very prompt with answers and referred me to YouTube for some helpful assembly videos.
Great bike
Im 66yrs old. I wanted an ebike bike so when I go out for a ride Im sure that I can get back. ( have leg problems). This bike is great. I can pedal with assist or without. I bought a trailer for my dog to go with me and the bike handles that to. It folds so I can put it and the wifes folding bike and the folding trailer in the back of my forester. The seat is not comfortable I replaced it with a bigger seat. So far the battery is good havent gone real far but it is not going down fast. Would buy again.
Makes Riding A Bike Fun Again!
My hubby and I both purchased this bike for a trip to Bryce Canyon National Park. We are in our 50s and havent rode in a while so I knew we were going to need something different from regular bike. We LOVE this bike and was out on a ride almost daily. My hubby also bought a dog carrier so he was pulling our little Sporkie around the park with no problems. The battery usually gave us a whole day of bike riding as long as we kept on a low or medium. We only tried to use the high setting if we had to go up hill. The beauty of this bike is that it helps while you peddle and that was a saver for our knees and thighs. We were still doing the physical peddling but it was not just our powering it. It does give you the option of just using the battery to ride around but that depletes your battery pretty quick. This has made riding a bike fun again for this grandma and grandpa. Highly recommend this bike!
Must have if you want to go outside and be active
This bike so far is best money spent I have had it only a few days an have already traveled to parts of my area I didnt know existed. Its awesome to ride fast but not sweat. Just a heads up you will have to tightened a few nuts and bolts here and there after the first ridebut that should be obvious. I got this bike to get outside and I can no longer stay inside. Im literally waiting on the battery to be 100 again than going back outside, Im 32 and feel like im 13 again. The mudflats suck. And take the tool bag with you that comes in the package. If your waiting to buy than your not smart.
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