I love it. Easy to put together. It says it takes two people to assemble but I did it by myself. Came quickly and its beautiful. Great deal for the money. Good product and definitely a value of a purchase.
I got this bed for my teen daughter who wanted to downsize so she could have more space in her room. This bed is sturdy and looks great, just as pictured. I was leery about buying online but am very happy with the purchase. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a daybed. I love it!!
I needed to create a small bedroom on my first floor, a place for me to recuperate from knee replacement surgery. This daybed is sturdy and stately, very attractive. Many visitors commented on how great it looked and how it fit in our Victorian home. The daybed will end up in our living room or guest bedroom. I bought a thick memory foam single mattress and the bed was and is perfection. Would definitely buy again!
Great buy! I was a little skeptical at first but this really is good value for your money. The directions are very clear and its really easy to put together (takes about 35min). A twin size bed fits perfectly. I ordered mine separately online through Ashleys furniture (comes in a box so you dont have to worry about delivery!) I would say at some points its easier putting this together with two people, but not required. Its also not too low to the ground either. You do not need a box spring with your mattress which is a plus. very reasonably priced as well.
Beautiful Victorian/esque daybed in black, that seems sturdy and quiet. It was generally easy to put together, though a little heavy for one person when altogether in the shipping box. I suggest taking your time to put together, as it could be easy to cross thread things if you arent putting screws in straight. All the tools you need come with. Also its easier if you do not tighten bolts all the way until its fully assembled as its can be a tight fit for the slats. After all together, I am very pleased with this purchase. I was very excited to receive!
Great deal
I love it. Easy to put together. It says it takes two people to assemble but I did it by myself. Came quickly and its beautiful. Great deal for the money. Good product and definitely a value of a purchase.
Love it looks good And if space is small it doesnt take up a lot of visual space Beautiful color good quality
Very happy
Arrived 2 weeks earlier than expected. Perfect size and color for my needs.
Great Bed / Great Price
I got this bed for my teen daughter who wanted to downsize so she could have more space in her room. This bed is sturdy and looks great, just as pictured. I was leery about buying online but am very happy with the purchase. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a daybed. I love it!!
This daybed is sturdy, stately, and a great bargain.
I needed to create a small bedroom on my first floor, a place for me to recuperate from knee replacement surgery. This daybed is sturdy and stately, very attractive. Many visitors commented on how great it looked and how it fit in our Victorian home. The daybed will end up in our living room or guest bedroom. I bought a thick memory foam single mattress and the bed was and is perfection. Would definitely buy again!
Great value!
Great buy! I was a little skeptical at first but this really is good value for your money. The directions are very clear and its really easy to put together (takes about 35min). A twin size bed fits perfectly. I ordered mine separately online through Ashleys furniture (comes in a box so you dont have to worry about delivery!) I would say at some points its easier putting this together with two people, but not required. Its also not too low to the ground either. You do not need a box spring with your mattress which is a plus. very reasonably priced as well.
Beautiful bed
Brought this bed for my grandson.he loves it. Very easy to put together. Very strong and sturdy. Would recommend. Cute and comfortable
It was a breeze
So happy with this purchase everything my daughters wanted and more Love, love, love it!
Good deal
This is a great daybed at a great price. it is very pretty.
Elegant and Practical
Beautiful Victorian/esque daybed in black, that seems sturdy and quiet. It was generally easy to put together, though a little heavy for one person when altogether in the shipping box. I suggest taking your time to put together, as it could be easy to cross thread things if you arent putting screws in straight. All the tools you need come with. Also its easier if you do not tighten bolts all the way until its fully assembled as its can be a tight fit for the slats. After all together, I am very pleased with this purchase. I was very excited to receive!
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