This is a very sturdy bed. Easy to assemble alone. The corners are surprisingly sharp, but the slide is super fast! My 4year old loves it! Overall you got what you paid for.
This bed is super cute and my daughter loves it! However, after 1 week it started to squeak BAD. Its so annoying because it wakes her up in the middle of the night (and I can hear it over the baby monitor). If anyone has tips on how to fix this issue, please let me know!!! Im desperate! I was actually pretty disappointed.
Very quick to assemble, though we have had tons of experience taking this bed apart and putting it back together from my older son. Just like it was the last time we bought this bed, its very sturdy and the kids love it! Be cautious though, we had a thicker twin mattress, and it sat a little high with the rails, but it was OK for my 3 year old. Also check the room you want to put it in, the way the slide sticks out there is only 1 wall in my sons room where it did not interfere with with doors or have him hitting a wall on the slide.
We put color changing LEDs along the bottom as night lights and for when he plays, and we have magnetic curtains that stick on to make it his fort. This is a great bed that all the kids who visit seem to love, definitely worth the money! This product was exactly what I was hoping for
It was pretty easy to assemble altho it does take two on certain parts. Took about 2.5 hours. Its study and looks great. My daughter absolutely loves it! Really Happy!!
Fairly easy to assemble my granddaughter loves it So far meets my expectations
Fast slide!
This is a very sturdy bed. Easy to assemble alone. The corners are surprisingly sharp, but the slide is super fast! My 4year old loves it! Overall you got what you paid for.
Pure LoVe.
WE LOVE THIS LOFT BED W/A SLIDE!! Lovely for the price
Missing parts
Missing some pieces to add the slide on.other than that I actually like it Hope to improve in the future
Cute but so squeaky!
This bed is super cute and my daughter loves it! However, after 1 week it started to squeak BAD. Its so annoying because it wakes her up in the middle of the night (and I can hear it over the baby monitor). If anyone has tips on how to fix this issue, please let me know!!! Im desperate! I was actually pretty disappointed.
pre cute and useful
my kid likes it. But all edges are little danger. Hope that area covers with some safety Its a fantastic price.
Best Bed You Will Ever Buy Your Kids
Very quick to assemble, though we have had tons of experience taking this bed apart and putting it back together from my older son. Just like it was the last time we bought this bed, its very sturdy and the kids love it! Be cautious though, we had a thicker twin mattress, and it sat a little high with the rails, but it was OK for my 3 year old. Also check the room you want to put it in, the way the slide sticks out there is only 1 wall in my sons room where it did not interfere with with doors or have him hitting a wall on the slide. We put color changing LEDs along the bottom as night lights and for when he plays, and we have magnetic curtains that stick on to make it his fort. This is a great bed that all the kids who visit seem to love, definitely worth the money! This product was exactly what I was hoping for
So much fun
Love it have so much more space for my daughters room Absolutely awesome product!!
Great product!!!
It was pretty easy to assemble altho it does take two on certain parts. Took about 2.5 hours. Its study and looks great. My daughter absolutely loves it! Really Happy!!
Good buy
Great sturdy bed, have sons friends over, they slid and rough house, this bed can take it. Very pleased. Great find!!
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