Bought this for our 5 year old and 18 month old daughters and its perfect! Easy assembly (just takes some time with all the little pieces) and very sturdy. Easy setup and sturdy!
Not bad and pretty sturdy for small children. I had missing bars when I opened my box but I called their customer service number and they were replaced very quickly. Love this product. No issues.
Wonderful bunk bed. Low profile and space saving. Sturdy. Looks nice. Perfect for smaller rooms. Easy to build. Seems like it will last a lifetime. Customer service was wonderful also. Best deal for a very nice
I put this together in about 2 hours. It seems to be a quality product. My daughter is six and wanted a smaller bed and a place for friends to sleepover. This bed gives her so much more room to play in her room. Would recommend This one was perfect
This bed has held up to my 10 year old bit my 3 year old daughter and all of their cousins treating it like a jungle gym! So thats why I gave it 5 stars if youre a single mom like me ASK A MAN FOR HELP! Some of those parts required a little bit of elbow grease to place and I went to bed feeling like Id done an hour/long kickboxing class I was whooped! It took me a couple hours to get it done when I move that d thing is staying. Id buy it again, but Im definitely getting someone else to put it together. It came with all the parts and thats ALWAYS a plus
added to say this thing squeaks like HELL. Its annoying. truly easy to install
Easy enough to put together, the holes didnt all line up as well as youd find on a wooden frame. It took some pushing and holding by two adults to line up the holes.
Also, not as stable as Id hoped for. its a bit shaky even with everything tightened up. It will work for now but we will upgrade in a few months to a wood frame. I like the sturdiness and comfort of this product.
Roomy bed
This bunk bed is awesome!! Kids have plenty of room in their beds and came earlier than expected
Not a lot of bottom bunk head room.
Not a lot of head room while in bottom bunk to sit up. Be careful! Great for younger kids. Greap space saver. This is awesome!
Great bed!
Bought this for our 5 year old and 18 month old daughters and its perfect! Easy assembly (just takes some time with all the little pieces) and very sturdy. Easy setup and sturdy!
Great deal
Not bad and pretty sturdy for small children. I had missing bars when I opened my box but I called their customer service number and they were replaced very quickly. Love this product. No issues.
Perfect for small rooms. Low profile. Easy to assemble.
Wonderful bunk bed. Low profile and space saving. Sturdy. Looks nice. Perfect for smaller rooms. Easy to build. Seems like it will last a lifetime. Customer service was wonderful also. Best deal for a very nice
Easy to assemble!
I put this together in about 2 hours. It seems to be a quality product. My daughter is six and wanted a smaller bed and a place for friends to sleepover. This bed gives her so much more room to play in her room. Would recommend This one was perfect
Very nice quality for low price
The bunk bed instructions are easy to follow and the bed itself is very nice. I would recommend to anyone. Very sturdy and durable
Great bunkbed for children
This bed has held up to my 10 year old bit my 3 year old daughter and all of their cousins treating it like a jungle gym! So thats why I gave it 5 stars if youre a single mom like me ASK A MAN FOR HELP! Some of those parts required a little bit of elbow grease to place and I went to bed feeling like Id done an hour/long kickboxing class I was whooped! It took me a couple hours to get it done when I move that d thing is staying. Id buy it again, but Im definitely getting someone else to put it together. It came with all the parts and thats ALWAYS a plus added to say this thing squeaks like HELL. Its annoying. truly easy to install
Frame uneven holes
Easy enough to put together, the holes didnt all line up as well as youd find on a wooden frame. It took some pushing and holding by two adults to line up the holes. Also, not as stable as Id hoped for. its a bit shaky even with everything tightened up. It will work for now but we will upgrade in a few months to a wood frame. I like the sturdiness and comfort of this product.
Very good deal
Very sturdy bed frame it last a long time Perfect for us
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