I feel like the factory could have pre assembled better before shipping. The drawers were the most difficult part for me but fairly easy. Very sturdy and durable
As nice as it is for the money / it is a lot of parts and takes a lot of time to assemble and easiest if there is more than one person to help put it together. The bed is a nice quality and the white leather fabric feels better than expected. I would recommend. I like the sturdiness and comfort of this product.
I was hesitant to buy a bedframe from . I always like to try it out sit on it and see how it feels but this had good reviews so I decided to buy it. And I have to say this is honestly better than anything I couldve found in any store. It was easy to assemble it is very sturdy and they just look really beautiful and elegant in the room I am very happy with my purchase. The bins at the bottom are plastic so you cant put anything very heavy in it but we werent really buying them for the drawers under the bed it was more of a bonus. If you are buying it because you want to put a lot of clothes under the bed then maybe Id consider something else but if you dont plan on putting too much under there and just a bit of clothes then its perfect. 10/10 recommend Perfect for us
Ive purchased this in a twin and now a queen size and love them! Great quality, great packaging, and what I expected. I love the storage space it provides and how the storage space is closed off with plastic rather than it being open like some other ones I was looking at. Product was just as descriproduct
It was a little hard to assemble so you definitely need two people but the instructions were pretty clear and the bed is beautiful, just a low headboard but I specially needed a low headboard since my walls curve in in the attic. Dont fill the drawers too much so that it doesnt break but there is a lot of room in them Well made. Good price.
Didnt have a lot of money when I was first moving out, so I bought the white kind bed with drawers when it went on sale. I was weary of all of the negative comments (chemical smell, missing parts, the frame breaking too easily), but it was in the right price range for me so I went for it.
Im happy I did. The drawers are life savers when it comes to saving space, it was so easy to put together, no chemical smell to be found, and no parts were missing. Nothing has broken thus far and Ive had it for almost two years now / just need to tighten some screws here and there. It looks beautiful, and despite having a kitten with a tendency to scratch everything I own, the material has held up extremely well. Hopefully itll be easy to take apart when we move. To each their own, but this was a great decision for us! Cute and good quality
I love it!my only two issues is I would have preferred the head board to be taller or placed higher up so you can see some of the details even with decorative bedding. Also the legs of the frame could be longer or give you an option of how high you want it, bed risers are not an option due to safety issues as well as the storage draws. Overall outside of that, the quality is good for the cost I did not have any dames or issues with assembling. study and arrived as pictured!
Simple build.
I feel like the factory could have pre assembled better before shipping. The drawers were the most difficult part for me but fairly easy. Very sturdy and durable
Great quality
Great instructions and easy to put together. Really like the pleather headboard and footboard. truly easy to install
I love the quality. It is not easy to put together
As nice as it is for the money / it is a lot of parts and takes a lot of time to assemble and easiest if there is more than one person to help put it together. The bed is a nice quality and the white leather fabric feels better than expected. I would recommend. I like the sturdiness and comfort of this product.
Look beautiful, elegant
I was hesitant to buy a bedframe from . I always like to try it out sit on it and see how it feels but this had good reviews so I decided to buy it. And I have to say this is honestly better than anything I couldve found in any store. It was easy to assemble it is very sturdy and they just look really beautiful and elegant in the room I am very happy with my purchase. The bins at the bottom are plastic so you cant put anything very heavy in it but we werent really buying them for the drawers under the bed it was more of a bonus. If you are buying it because you want to put a lot of clothes under the bed then maybe Id consider something else but if you dont plan on putting too much under there and just a bit of clothes then its perfect. 10/10 recommend Perfect for us
Ive purchased this in a twin and now a queen size and love them! Great quality, great packaging, and what I expected. I love the storage space it provides and how the storage space is closed off with plastic rather than it being open like some other ones I was looking at. Product was just as descriproduct
Aming bed!
It was a little hard to assemble so you definitely need two people but the instructions were pretty clear and the bed is beautiful, just a low headboard but I specially needed a low headboard since my walls curve in in the attic. Dont fill the drawers too much so that it doesnt break but there is a lot of room in them Well made. Good price.
Good to go
Easy to set up and looks good for the cost, recommended 100 Its so pretty
Does its job and serves looks!
Didnt have a lot of money when I was first moving out, so I bought the white kind bed with drawers when it went on sale. I was weary of all of the negative comments (chemical smell, missing parts, the frame breaking too easily), but it was in the right price range for me so I went for it. Im happy I did. The drawers are life savers when it comes to saving space, it was so easy to put together, no chemical smell to be found, and no parts were missing. Nothing has broken thus far and Ive had it for almost two years now / just need to tighten some screws here and there. It looks beautiful, and despite having a kitten with a tendency to scratch everything I own, the material has held up extremely well. Hopefully itll be easy to take apart when we move. To each their own, but this was a great decision for us! Cute and good quality
Good quality comfortable
Worth for money and good quality Well done, great delivery
Good quality for the price
I love it!my only two issues is I would have preferred the head board to be taller or placed higher up so you can see some of the details even with decorative bedding. Also the legs of the frame could be longer or give you an option of how high you want it, bed risers are not an option due to safety issues as well as the storage draws. Overall outside of that, the quality is good for the cost I did not have any dames or issues with assembling. study and arrived as pictured!
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