This is aming! It literally came completely built you just had to add the wheels! Will use this company in the future! Overall, great value for the price.
Very sturdy and easy to assemble! Good quality for the buck. Definitely meets my needs with mobility, lock in place wheels, two keys, durable casing. This product was just what I needed
I am SO happy with this cabinet! I recently purchased a similar cabinet off of Wayfair but was disappointed by the cheap quality and took a chance on this one. The assembly was so easy (only had to install the wheels, the rest of the cabinet was already built) and its made out of sturdy . Good Quality for Cost
This cabinet is really adorable. It comes fully assembled and you basically add the wheels underneath that come with it. It will not tip over because of the extra wheel in the front. Just know that it is on the tiny side which did happen to just fit my space perfectly under the computer desk. I needed a cabinet that was not full size and this turned out to be the jackpot. We all love it!
2 screws missing. They are the ones for the small wheel. My caregiver assembled it for me and I do not remember what the small wheel is for. Now I have to have him buy some screws from the local hardware store. Yuk! I live in facility and my caregivers do just about everything for me. I really do not like to give them something extra to do if I can help it. I thought I was buying a quality product highly disappointed!!!
The sliders broke after 2 months and the bottom drawer wont close! Too late to return! Piece of crap and waste of money! Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
Great value!
This is aming! It literally came completely built you just had to add the wheels! Will use this company in the future! Overall, great value for the price.
Quality product, easy to assemble, very sturdy! sturdy
Very sturdy and easy to assemble! Good quality for the buck. Definitely meets my needs with mobility, lock in place wheels, two keys, durable casing. This product was just what I needed
Adiquite storage
Small scale. Great for home use. Not very big. I honestly love
I am SO happy with this cabinet! I recently purchased a similar cabinet off of Wayfair but was disappointed by the cheap quality and took a chance on this one. The assembly was so easy (only had to install the wheels, the rest of the cabinet was already built) and its made out of sturdy . Good Quality for Cost
Great cabinet!
This cabinet is really adorable. It comes fully assembled and you basically add the wheels underneath that come with it. It will not tip over because of the extra wheel in the front. Just know that it is on the tiny side which did happen to just fit my space perfectly under the computer desk. I needed a cabinet that was not full size and this turned out to be the jackpot. We all love it!
Screws missing!!
2 screws missing. They are the ones for the small wheel. My caregiver assembled it for me and I do not remember what the small wheel is for. Now I have to have him buy some screws from the local hardware store. Yuk! I live in facility and my caregivers do just about everything for me. I really do not like to give them something extra to do if I can help it. I thought I was buying a quality product highly disappointed!!!
Updated review BROKE AFTER 2 months!
The sliders broke after 2 months and the bottom drawer wont close! Too late to return! Piece of crap and waste of money! Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
excellent product
Excellent product, consumer price/friendly, and fast shipping. Many Thanks, Jim Functional design
Its practically new!
Maybe just open box. Love it Good and inexpensive
The cabinet is well made and .
Filing cabinet is well made and fits in the small space perfectly. I like this one.
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