This is just like pictured and my 3 year old is absolutely thrilled. It does take quite a bit of time to assemble-it was a 6-7 hour project for my husband by himself though I did have to hold things for final assembly. Its overall sturdy and does sway a little easily if moving around a lot on the top bunk.
If youre debating a bunk bed, this is the one to choose! Easy assembly, minimal packaging, and a great height for children. My girls love this bed and I can tell it is going to last many many years. I am so happy with this purchase!
Took 6 hours to assemble at a semi casual pace. I broke a piece and had to go get wood glue. There is a weird gap between steps and bed so we did a little adjusting so that the child would not fall between the two because of getting hung in the gap. It is a nice bed for what we paid. Cute. The child is over the top happy and the step was a better choice than a ladder by far.
A bit difficult to assemble, directions are straight forward . Took a good 4 hours but overall very sturdy. I placed both mattress supports on the top bunk because I felt like it needed it . The bottom mattress is just on the floor. This bunk bed is perfect for my toddlers . Its nice and low and not too big ! Slide is VERY steep so beware. I ordered the nap queen xl mattress and it fit perfectly
I pride myself in being able to put furniture together. This was hands down the longest, biggest pain in my butt of all time, Im talking 4+hours for a solo endeavor. Looks nice but if I had to choose between building another one and dental work with out anesthesia, Id chose the dental work.
Excellent quality.
Great value for the price. It does take some time to assemble, but the end product makes it so worth it. The kids love it. I would recommend ordering.
Good bunk bed
It took my husband about 2 hrs to assemble. He said it wasnt that difficult. Weve had it for a few months now and we love it!
White wooden bunkbeds
I love it.
Awesome kid bed!
This is just like pictured and my 3 year old is absolutely thrilled. It does take quite a bit of time to assemble-it was a 6-7 hour project for my husband by himself though I did have to hold things for final assembly. Its overall sturdy and does sway a little easily if moving around a lot on the top bunk.
Sooo worth it!
If youre debating a bunk bed, this is the one to choose! Easy assembly, minimal packaging, and a great height for children. My girls love this bed and I can tell it is going to last many many years. I am so happy with this purchase!
It was nice
Took 6 hours to assemble at a semi casual pace. I broke a piece and had to go get wood glue. There is a weird gap between steps and bed so we did a little adjusting so that the child would not fall between the two because of getting hung in the gap. It is a nice bed for what we paid. Cute. The child is over the top happy and the step was a better choice than a ladder by far.
Nice and low !
A bit difficult to assemble, directions are straight forward . Took a good 4 hours but overall very sturdy. I placed both mattress supports on the top bunk because I felt like it needed it . The bottom mattress is just on the floor. This bunk bed is perfect for my toddlers . Its nice and low and not too big ! Slide is VERY steep so beware. I ordered the nap queen xl mattress and it fit perfectly
Do not hesitate to buy!!!
AMAZING quality, especially for the money. It is SO sturdy, it doesnt move around at all when the person on the top bunk moves!
Incredible bed!
Easy to assemble, safe and really adorable!! Our 3 year old is in love.
Pain in the butt
I pride myself in being able to put furniture together. This was hands down the longest, biggest pain in my butt of all time, Im talking 4+hours for a solo endeavor. Looks nice but if I had to choose between building another one and dental work with out anesthesia, Id chose the dental work.
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