Awesome. Great price. It was kind of a pain to set up but thats fine. Its very sturdy and so worth the money. My daughter loves her new bed. look great reliable.
As long as you remain patient this product is not difficult to put together, it just takes a little time. Its sturdy, and my daughters love it. Weve had no problems thus far. Very reasonable too!!
Great bed and very sturdy. The only complaint I have is that it took me 4 hours to build it, however I do have a house full of tiny children that want to help. The price is reasonable though.
Was difficult to put together, Could have just been because I had two little boys interrupting me but I had to take it apart and redo 3 or 4 times because Id put it together wrong the first time Otherwise It arrived a day before it was supposed too. it was in great shape, no pieces missing, and it looks fantastic in their room. love how it looks just wish it hadnt been so complicated to put together
Bought this bunk bed for my boys age 7 and 5. It was not too challenging to put together, which I was thankful for. I did have to put foam on the steps of the ladder because the ladder hurt my sons feat and would be a bit slippery when he went up or down. Overall, it is a sturdy bed for the price. great for guests
Awesome. Great price
Awesome. Great price. It was kind of a pain to set up but thats fine. Its very sturdy and so worth the money. My daughter loves her new bed. look great reliable.
Good product!
As long as you remain patient this product is not difficult to put together, it just takes a little time. Its sturdy, and my daughters love it. Weve had no problems thus far. Very reasonable too!!
Great bed and very sturdy
Great bed and very sturdy. The only complaint I have is that it took me 4 hours to build it, however I do have a house full of tiny children that want to help. The price is reasonable though.
aming product
Aming Excellent for what I need
it was in great shape, no pieces missing
Was difficult to put together, Could have just been because I had two little boys interrupting me but I had to take it apart and redo 3 or 4 times because Id put it together wrong the first time Otherwise It arrived a day before it was supposed too. it was in great shape, no pieces missing, and it looks fantastic in their room. love how it looks just wish it hadnt been so complicated to put together
Five Stars
The kids and I love the bed! Super easy to assemble and the right height. Definitely a great purchase! its very nice and I love the color. Worth it
Five Stars
Great beds, love how it is compact aand and great for kids my boys love them.
Five Stars
Easy to assemble and fit well. The look is great
Sturdy bed for kids, age 7 5
Bought this bunk bed for my boys age 7 and 5. It was not too challenging to put together, which I was thankful for. I did have to put foam on the steps of the ladder because the ladder hurt my sons feat and would be a bit slippery when he went up or down. Overall, it is a sturdy bed for the price. great for guests
Five Stars
Robust one. Value for money. Kids are enjoying.
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