It looks great, feels sturdy, and is a good value. Be careful when putting it together though, as a lot of the pieces look incredibly similar and the instructions refer to them by letter names. Some of the pieces have stickers of the letter names on them but most dont. Besides the clarity of which pieces are what, its easy to put together. If youre using just the tools they send you though, it will take forever. Not so bad.
It is a nice/looking bed frame, its worth the quality/price ratio and it arrived fast, earlier than expected. Its relatively easy to assemble and the instructions are clear, however, it takes a couple of hours to assemble it for a single person. Overall its worth the buy. My son loves it!!
Save yourself a ton of hassle by contacting the seller right after you make the purchase and ask for the manual. Theres a good chance you wont get one in the box.
The bed is very sturdy. Assembly is easy once you have the instructions. The storage is convenient. Its a steal at the price listed when I bought it. Very well made.
Bed is sturdy. Im a big guy and it dont buckle under me or nothing. Drawers are a very nice addition to the bed frame. Saves lots of room for me! Overall good.
Sturdy and Comforatble level. Only problem is with FEDEX handiling of package that bent the wires drawers is a few areas. Some were easy to bend pack but a few was not worth the effort due to welds. Overall very satisfied and vendor made good on drawer issue. Very easy to work with and I highly recommend this platform king size bed frame. This item is good! Satisfied.
The bed arrived quickly and was in perfect condition when I opened it. I laid out all the parts and had no trouble assembling it. If I had to give one suggestion, it would be to include a drill bit that fits the Allen screw heads. I always prefer to use my drill rather than the Allen key that was included, but it wasnt overly taxing to put together because all the parts were engineered steel. The storage is really great to have. I dont go in and out of the drawers every day though. I could see that being a tad annoying because you have to line up the drawer and pop it up half an inch to clip it into place. But it really is beautiful. Value for money.
Great product, give yourself more time to build
It looks great, feels sturdy, and is a good value. Be careful when putting it together though, as a lot of the pieces look incredibly similar and the instructions refer to them by letter names. Some of the pieces have stickers of the letter names on them but most dont. Besides the clarity of which pieces are what, its easy to put together. If youre using just the tools they send you though, it will take forever. Not so bad.
Nice bed frame
It is a nice/looking bed frame, its worth the quality/price ratio and it arrived fast, earlier than expected. Its relatively easy to assemble and the instructions are clear, however, it takes a couple of hours to assemble it for a single person. Overall its worth the buy. My son loves it!!
Good Value but read this review
Save yourself a ton of hassle by contacting the seller right after you make the purchase and ask for the manual. Theres a good chance you wont get one in the box. The bed is very sturdy. Assembly is easy once you have the instructions. The storage is convenient. Its a steal at the price listed when I bought it. Very well made.
Very nice!
Bed is sturdy. Im a big guy and it dont buckle under me or nothing. Drawers are a very nice addition to the bed frame. Saves lots of room for me! Overall good.
Well Designed to handle a 200LB mattress plus persons
Sturdy and Comforatble level. Only problem is with FEDEX handiling of package that bent the wires drawers is a few areas. Some were easy to bend pack but a few was not worth the effort due to welds. Overall very satisfied and vendor made good on drawer issue. Very easy to work with and I highly recommend this platform king size bed frame. This item is good! Satisfied.
Its worth the price
Its firm and doesnt shake or move. I like the drawers, they are big and provide lots of extra space. Its quite Well made and packaged.
Great bed
Got this for my son. He loves it!! Pretty easy to put together. Storage drawers are awesome Good quality.
Frame is good, drawers could be better
Frame sturdy, drawers not too much Holds things.
A great value
The bed arrived quickly and was in perfect condition when I opened it. I laid out all the parts and had no trouble assembling it. If I had to give one suggestion, it would be to include a drill bit that fits the Allen screw heads. I always prefer to use my drill rather than the Allen key that was included, but it wasnt overly taxing to put together because all the parts were engineered steel. The storage is really great to have. I dont go in and out of the drawers every day though. I could see that being a tad annoying because you have to line up the drawer and pop it up half an inch to clip it into place. But it really is beautiful. Value for money.
They are nice but the quality is not the best Great!
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