Great value. Very sturdy. I like this bed frame. But the directions are just photos with no words describing what to do so it took a good amount of time and I definitely needed a partner to help hold certain pieces. It wasnt easy but is doable. The bed so far is holding up well. It does squeak if you move to hard.
The mattress slips off easily because there are no attachments to keep it in place and its a platform bed / needs to be against a wall or somehow stabilized or attached to frame so its safe Easy to install and strong.
Overall good bed frame but not as easy as it seems to assemble
Great value. Very sturdy. I like this bed frame. But the directions are just photos with no words describing what to do so it took a good amount of time and I definitely needed a partner to help hold certain pieces. It wasnt easy but is doable. The bed so far is holding up well. It does squeak if you move to hard.
Not a great quantity
Not worth the money I am not happy.
Good. How do I unsnap the poles if I snapped them with the holes facing outward?
Good for the money
I loved it. Got what I paid for in the time I was given, good experience.
Its ok for the price
The mattress slips off easily because there are no attachments to keep it in place and its a platform bed / needs to be against a wall or somehow stabilized or attached to frame so its safe Easy to install and strong.
It is a good product, nice and sturdy. I was so disappointed with UPS delivery. It came late and outside box was damaged. Average product.
Excellent and beautiful.
No problems, very good quality. Smaller than I expected.
Love this bed
Love this bed Nice well made.
Unsure about purchase
Screws did not align! Quality products.
This bed is perfect Im so happy I got it!!! Nice product.
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