The quality is on par for the price. The assembly takes a while since there are a bunch of parts, but the directions are easy to understand. I had concerns about the strength and rigidity of the frame, but it has not disappointed. I would recommend this. It has not been a problem. Works well.
This bed was a great buy. The two shelf model is incredible convenient and the bed is very sturdy so once something is set up there it rarely gets knocked off. Assemble was somewhat easy but a bit time consuming. My bf assembled ours but he didnt have any problems. I highly recommend this frame. Good Product.
Absolutely love this bed! Its put together well and was simple to put together. Looks great as well and we love the two shelves the head board has Perfect.
The directions are vague, I definitely installed some pieces backwards and had to go back and fix it. It doesnt sit very far off the ground at all, definitely need bed risers if you live in a small space like I do. The headboard legs dont fit in regular bed risers though. All in all, a nice bed frame, albeit a pain to put together. He loves it.
It was very easy for me to put it together, I love that I dont have to have a box spring for my memory foam mattress, I am sleeping so much better now It was easy.
Great bed frame. It was easy to assemble! It has two shelves on top which I love for putting books, my Alexa, tissue box and anything else. Great purchase.Good.
I am not easily impressed but this bed is a great value. The build is a little complicated alone. Your manual dexterity will be tested. Trying to hold the parts and start the bolts without cross threading was a trick at times. If you are not handy or very patient I would not recommend trying to assemble alone. I am very mechanical, and it took me a couple hours to build. I would recommend pre/threading each hole, run the bolt in and out before assembling. Once assembled it is a very sturdy, quiet bed. After seeing the bed assembled, I feel like I got a great value. Could easily sell for more. Quality all the way around, above the price point. I loved it.
Great option for a bedframe.
The quality is on par for the price. The assembly takes a while since there are a bunch of parts, but the directions are easy to understand. I had concerns about the strength and rigidity of the frame, but it has not disappointed. I would recommend this. It has not been a problem. Works well.
Love it!
This bed was a great buy. The two shelf model is incredible convenient and the bed is very sturdy so once something is set up there it rarely gets knocked off. Assemble was somewhat easy but a bit time consuming. My bf assembled ours but he didnt have any problems. I highly recommend this frame. Good Product.
Great bed
Absolutely love this bed! Its put together well and was simple to put together. Looks great as well and we love the two shelves the head board has Perfect.
Its worth it
My husband and I loved it and it was super easy to put together, we have to pay close attention to the instructions. Easy set up.
Its Great
It was kinda time consuming but it was good. Its very strong and sturdy fore sure I really do like it Cute.
Definitely a nice bed frame, a little less sturdy than I was hoping for.
The directions are vague, I definitely installed some pieces backwards and had to go back and fix it. It doesnt sit very far off the ground at all, definitely need bed risers if you live in a small space like I do. The headboard legs dont fit in regular bed risers though. All in all, a nice bed frame, albeit a pain to put together. He loves it.
It was very easy for me to put it together, I love that I dont have to have a box spring for my memory foam mattress, I am sleeping so much better now It was easy.
love Great value. Very sturdy.
Easy Assembly, Beautiful Bed Frame with Lovely Storage Shelves!
Great bed frame. It was easy to assemble! It has two shelves on top which I love for putting books, my Alexa, tissue box and anything else. Great purchase.Good.
Impressed!!! Value, Quality, actually overbuilt, good design.
I am not easily impressed but this bed is a great value. The build is a little complicated alone. Your manual dexterity will be tested. Trying to hold the parts and start the bolts without cross threading was a trick at times. If you are not handy or very patient I would not recommend trying to assemble alone. I am very mechanical, and it took me a couple hours to build. I would recommend pre/threading each hole, run the bolt in and out before assembling. Once assembled it is a very sturdy, quiet bed. After seeing the bed assembled, I feel like I got a great value. Could easily sell for more. Quality all the way around, above the price point. I loved it.
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