This was bought for my space. It fit perfectly to size as advertised. The assembly instructions werent the greatest, my husband put it together for me. The drawers are not flush with the rest of the unit due to the assembly holes being a bit more forward than they should be. This was a bit irritating however, I still feel its a decent buy for the money. The drawers have 2 file size options be sure to set this with file size in mind. The cubicle section was perfect for square fabric baskets to fit into. Overall good buy.
Good product. Well engineered and all wood parts finished nicely, and are accurately pre/drilled for perfect fit. No missing hardware. Remember, though, what size folders you intend to store in the large file drawer before you assemble it. I didnt, and had to disassemble (partially), move rods, and reassemble front panel. Cam locks dont turn in or lock as nicely as in their first use. Used the extra new cam/lock (supplied) to replace one original one, so unit strength is not compromised.
It is so pretty, and goes perfectly with my new desk. Its not hard to put together, but it dies take awhile. You need a couple of hours to do it. I love it though, and holds a lot of my stuff. Definitely recommend.
The building directions are extremely clear, dont be fooled by false reviews. I was skeptical while building and took everything extremely slowly and carefully since a lot of reviews said instructions were bad and drawers were sticking out at the end and pilot holes were misaligned or insufficient but I felt none of these issues. Everything was exceedingly clear, it came with tons of extras just in case, and everything slipped into place perfectly. Now I have a sleek, flush, cabinet set that looks and feels great. You wont regret the purchase. I cant say anything about the customer service however since I had no need to contact them. I doubt its as bad as they say since the worst of the reviews werent relevant in my experience anyway.
Not easy to assemble as instructions are not clear. Had to tear it down once because panels were put together wrong. Bottom drawer didnt align so cant completely close it.but thats hard to tell from a distance. Good value for the money and fits nicely in my .
Check that unit assembly holes are drilled properly
This was bought for my space. It fit perfectly to size as advertised. The assembly instructions werent the greatest, my husband put it together for me. The drawers are not flush with the rest of the unit due to the assembly holes being a bit more forward than they should be. This was a bit irritating however, I still feel its a decent buy for the money. The drawers have 2 file size options be sure to set this with file size in mind. The cubicle section was perfect for square fabric baskets to fit into. Overall good buy.
Assembly, look, and functionality totally as advertised.
Good product. Well engineered and all wood parts finished nicely, and are accurately pre/drilled for perfect fit. No missing hardware. Remember, though, what size folders you intend to store in the large file drawer before you assemble it. I didnt, and had to disassemble (partially), move rods, and reassemble front panel. Cam locks dont turn in or lock as nicely as in their first use. Used the extra new cam/lock (supplied) to replace one original one, so unit strength is not compromised.
Nice stand
Assembly is quite involved (not a nightmare) but worth the effort. Stand is sturdy and nice looking. Im pleased with it.
Perfect cabinet for our needs!
The cabinet was easy to assemble by following the directions. Be ready and take your time.
Good priduct
Love it
It is so pretty, and goes perfectly with my new desk. Its not hard to put together, but it dies take awhile. You need a couple of hours to do it. I love it though, and holds a lot of my stuff. Definitely recommend.
Decent file cabinet for the price
The extra wheel on the front of the big drawer is a nice extra support
Works as advertised!
The building directions are extremely clear, dont be fooled by false reviews. I was skeptical while building and took everything extremely slowly and carefully since a lot of reviews said instructions were bad and drawers were sticking out at the end and pilot holes were misaligned or insufficient but I felt none of these issues. Everything was exceedingly clear, it came with tons of extras just in case, and everything slipped into place perfectly. Now I have a sleek, flush, cabinet set that looks and feels great. You wont regret the purchase. I cant say anything about the customer service however since I had no need to contact them. I doubt its as bad as they say since the worst of the reviews werent relevant in my experience anyway.
Looks good overall
Not easy to assemble as instructions are not clear. Had to tear it down once because panels were put together wrong. Bottom drawer didnt align so cant completely close it.but thats hard to tell from a distance. Good value for the money and fits nicely in my .
Takes a little while to assemble, but very easy to do.
Actually very sturdy once assembled. Looks nice in the home .
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