Little tough to assemble, gotta pay attention to the diagrams. But bed is sturdy and can stand adults on the ladder and top bunk. Little squeaky when my toddler jumps on the bottom. Flat rings on ladder are so helpful. Great value for money so far. Nice color and easy to assemble
Takes a while to assemble. Good overall quality but makes a lot of noise. We went back twice to re/tighten but can completely eliminate. Hope to improve in the future
The bed was mostly easy to assemble it will take two people in a couple of spots during assembly. So far the bed appears sturdy. It was missing two screws nothing a quick trip to the hardware store couldnt sort out. I would recommend the bed if its in your shopping list. Thank you for the excellent customer service
Took me three hours to build this only because I put this together by myself. Instructions were easy and all the parts were in the box. Boxes came in separate but only two days apart. I really like this bunk bed, sturdy and affordable. My daughter loves it. Its a great deal for the money
Great bed, secure
Little tough to assemble, gotta pay attention to the diagrams. But bed is sturdy and can stand adults on the ladder and top bunk. Little squeaky when my toddler jumps on the bottom. Flat rings on ladder are so helpful. Great value for money so far. Nice color and easy to assemble
A decent bed for the money but makes a lot of noise / very squeaky!
Takes a while to assemble. Good overall quality but makes a lot of noise. We went back twice to re/tighten but can completely eliminate. Hope to improve in the future
Perfect for extra guest bedroom!
Looks great, very solid. Was pleasantly surprised
Great bunk bed
It wasnt too hard to put together even though we had things upside down a couple times it was an easy fix. Good price as well
Great for the grandkids!
Not easy to set up and a couple of holes werent drilled, but once we got it set up, it looks great! Great value
great bed and great value
easy to assemble Excellent quality and Excellent choice
Good product for the price
The bed was mostly easy to assemble it will take two people in a couple of spots during assembly. So far the bed appears sturdy. It was missing two screws nothing a quick trip to the hardware store couldnt sort out. I would recommend the bed if its in your shopping list. Thank you for the excellent customer service
Love it
Took me three hours to build this only because I put this together by myself. Instructions were easy and all the parts were in the box. Boxes came in separate but only two days apart. I really like this bunk bed, sturdy and affordable. My daughter loves it. Its a great deal for the money
Very sturdy
The plans are incorrect, but easy to figure out the right way look great reliable.
Excellent product. Very reasonable too!!
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