I bought this for my daughter. We assembled it together and it was very simple. Its better quality than I assumed. Im very happy with the purchase. I will update after use! Cute.
My son loves this bed . It wasnt too hard to put together. Its sturdy and very comfortable to sleep on. I would highly recommend this bed. I contacted as a few questions and they responded in a timely manner. Great company and I would use them again. Thank you . He loves it.
You get what you pay for, the bed frame came in on time but is a bit defective, one side of the bed is shorter the the other so it racks but its ok just be careful when ordering this Great. Very good. Recommended.
My mom comes to sleep over and sleeps with my daughter. This bed was nice and sturdy for when they are both sleeping on it. We had a defect in some parts and it effected the assembly, but they took care of it and sent me the part that I needed without issues. I am currently sending back the part that was defected. Overall, I love this bed for my daughter who is now 7 and needed a bigger bed. Perfect for her and totally adorable. I love these kinds of headboards. Satisfied.
Great quality!
I bought this for my daughter. We assembled it together and it was very simple. Its better quality than I assumed. Im very happy with the purchase. I will update after use! Cute.
Great Bed
My son loves this bed . It wasnt too hard to put together. Its sturdy and very comfortable to sleep on. I would highly recommend this bed. I contacted as a few questions and they responded in a timely manner. Great company and I would use them again. Thank you . He loves it.
Worth it
Its surprisingly a great bed for the pricemost definitely worth every penny! It was easy.
Putting it together
I like it very much easy to put together and I like the head board Great value. Very sturdy.
Quality is very good
I love this bed. The quality and easy assembly is well worth the cost.Good.
Awesome bed
We bought this bed for our 14 year old son. This bed is SO sturdy and looks really great! Would definitely buy again and again. I loved it.
Love it
I love it it was easy to put together and it fits Perfectly My Nephew likes it,
Not bad but could be better
You get what you pay for, the bed frame came in on time but is a bit defective, one side of the bed is shorter the the other so it racks but its ok just be careful when ordering this Great. Very good. Recommended.
Great buy for the price
Only thing I dont like is the frame around the mattress sticks out a bit n sometimes I hit my leg on it. But really sturdy easy to put together Good!!
Nice frame
My mom comes to sleep over and sleeps with my daughter. This bed was nice and sturdy for when they are both sleeping on it. We had a defect in some parts and it effected the assembly, but they took care of it and sent me the part that I needed without issues. I am currently sending back the part that was defected. Overall, I love this bed for my daughter who is now 7 and needed a bigger bed. Perfect for her and totally adorable. I love these kinds of headboards. Satisfied.
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