At first I had doubts about how hard this would be to assemble because I dont usually assemble things by myself BUT this was so easy to assemble and it is really self explanatory which is good if youre thinking of getting this bed youre getting it for a good price, easy assembly, and a sturdy and immaculate bed. Easy build,
I love this. I havent had a bed frame in years. Very easy to assemble, has storage space underneath and so far has been sturdy enough to handle a 3 yr old jumping on it. Definitely worth it.
The under the bed storage is ok
The assembly even with two people ( yes you need two people) still took 3 hours because the diagram uses letters and corespondent numbers
It would have been a month long wait for the product because it starts with free 2 day prime shipping then on the listing says 5/7 business days to ship after purchasing then the estimated delivery time is one month.
We had to have the higher up team handle it be I was not waiting a month for something that was guaranteed 2 days Nicely made.
all the parts were there
this too awhile to put together, by myself all the parts and tools to do so were included, great price and looks good perfect.
Toes get stubbed easily. Headboards not taller. Other than that its a great. I need.
Perfect Great Buy
Just like the Picture but better alot of Storage place , If you have a small room it Perfect. Love it . Love it. Awesome product.
Thinking of getting this? Read this first.
At first I had doubts about how hard this would be to assemble because I dont usually assemble things by myself BUT this was so easy to assemble and it is really self explanatory which is good if youre thinking of getting this bed youre getting it for a good price, easy assembly, and a sturdy and immaculate bed. Easy build,
Missing part
Would have been a five but was missing one screw! Fit well,
Great buy!
Very easy to put together and the best part it doesnt sqeek at all! Very pretty design. Just fine.
Nice bed frame
I love this. I havent had a bed frame in years. Very easy to assemble, has storage space underneath and so far has been sturdy enough to handle a 3 yr old jumping on it. Definitely worth it.
Great Metal Bedframe for Queen Mattress
sturdy and perfect for a small bedroom. easy to assemble. Good one.
Extremely Sturdy Bed for the Price
Extremely sturdy bed for the price. I am very pleased. Looks great.
Its worth it but be on your game
The under the bed storage is ok The assembly even with two people ( yes you need two people) still took 3 hours because the diagram uses letters and corespondent numbers It would have been a month long wait for the product because it starts with free 2 day prime shipping then on the listing says 5/7 business days to ship after purchasing then the estimated delivery time is one month. We had to have the higher up team handle it be I was not waiting a month for something that was guaranteed 2 days Nicely made.
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