Expected. Got this for 4 year old and she loves it. The drawer isnt connected so its less likely shell get her fingers smooshed. Super easy to put together and really sturdy. She loves it.
Good deal and was easy to put together. The good news is that the bed itself seems fine and sturdy. I like it a lot. The bad news is that the drawer is chipboard and so a piece of wood that I was supposed to screw into was loose and misaligned so that when I tried to screw it in it wouldnt and it just moved more out of alignment. Do yourself a favor and buy the version without the drawer, and if you have a few hours set aside to put it together you should be happy.
Easy directions. 2 day delivery was a pleasant surprise / very quick to arrive. Packaging was intact as were all the pieces and instructions. Assembly took about 45 min. The drawer took the longest, but not too difficult. The only thing that was an issue (not by any stretch of the imagination a deal breaker) was that some of the pieces didnt lay flush in their respective holes. Thats because there was some wood debris left from pre/drilling. It was easy to dig and blow out. Simple fix. This bed sits low to the ground which is exactly what I was hoping for as it is my 3 y/o first big boy bed. I have laid on the bed with my son and it held up fine. I wouldnt jump on it, but it could handle a toddlers abuse. I appreciate that the drawer is on wheels and not a track because anyone with kids knows how they are hard on furniture. I wouldnt want a drawer to fall out and crush his toes. This slides in and out and if you dont want it, you can even tuck it away without ruining the look of the bed. The color I bought was walnut. Perfect match for his other walnut furniture. The bed had a little smell to it (as most new things do) but aired out just fine in about 2 days. Would definitely recommend for little kids.
Excellent product! Love this bed ! Took about an hour to assemble and my daughter loves it .The bed is very sturdy .We also love the storage drawer at the bottom .
Bought two great value for the money, durable. Im sure this product would have been fine. However, grand daughters mom went out and bought one so I returned this one. But only for that reason
Great Product. We bought this bed a few months ago, we love it! Its gorgeous, very sturdy and a bang for your buck!
I was so skeptical when I bought it but its held up great, and my 5 year old absolutely loves her bed!!!!
It works, little bit hard to assemble but solid bed.
Save some money and buy this. Good bed.
Easy assembly, sturdy.
Expected. Got this for 4 year old and she loves it. The drawer isnt connected so its less likely shell get her fingers smooshed. Super easy to put together and really sturdy. She loves it.
Good news and bad news
Good deal and was easy to put together. The good news is that the bed itself seems fine and sturdy. I like it a lot. The bad news is that the drawer is chipboard and so a piece of wood that I was supposed to screw into was loose and misaligned so that when I tried to screw it in it wouldnt and it just moved more out of alignment. Do yourself a favor and buy the version without the drawer, and if you have a few hours set aside to put it together you should be happy.
Great value very sturdy
I love it space saver I am back to buy another one. Good sturdy very beautiful my girls love them thank you.
Just what I was hoping for!
Easy directions. 2 day delivery was a pleasant surprise / very quick to arrive. Packaging was intact as were all the pieces and instructions. Assembly took about 45 min. The drawer took the longest, but not too difficult. The only thing that was an issue (not by any stretch of the imagination a deal breaker) was that some of the pieces didnt lay flush in their respective holes. Thats because there was some wood debris left from pre/drilling. It was easy to dig and blow out. Simple fix. This bed sits low to the ground which is exactly what I was hoping for as it is my 3 y/o first big boy bed. I have laid on the bed with my son and it held up fine. I wouldnt jump on it, but it could handle a toddlers abuse. I appreciate that the drawer is on wheels and not a track because anyone with kids knows how they are hard on furniture. I wouldnt want a drawer to fall out and crush his toes. This slides in and out and if you dont want it, you can even tuck it away without ruining the look of the bed. The color I bought was walnut. Perfect match for his other walnut furniture. The bed had a little smell to it (as most new things do) but aired out just fine in about 2 days. Would definitely recommend for little kids.
Awesome bed
Excellent product! Love this bed ! Took about an hour to assemble and my daughter loves it .The bed is very sturdy .We also love the storage drawer at the bottom .
Im sure it was a awesome product. Seller shipped fast
Bought two great value for the money, durable. Im sure this product would have been fine. However, grand daughters mom went out and bought one so I returned this one. But only for that reason
Great Product. We bought this bed a few months ago, we love it! Its gorgeous, very sturdy and a bang for your buck! I was so skeptical when I bought it but its held up great, and my 5 year old absolutely loves her bed!!!!
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