East to assemble, comfortable and sturdy. Its a loveseat but I think 3 people can fit comfortably. Exactly what we expected and the measurements were accurate. Very cute, looks just like the pictures.
Easy assembly. I also bought an armchair from the same company and they match well! I would not recommend sleeping on it, though / its pretty stiff! Just as pictured very happy with my purchase.
Comfortable and fits perfectly in my small apartment. The pieces for the couch come in two boxes (at least it did for me) and may ship separately. I didnt get notified of the second delivery box because or whoever the distributor is put it under one tracking number.
Other than that, no complaints about the couch so far. Comfortable and high quality!
It is not the most comfortable but is very simple and works for a good first couch in a small apartment. Thought it would be white/beige but it is definitely more gray. Hope to improve in the future
Great modern couch for a small space. Looks much more expensive than it was and definitely doesnt look like something you bought off (but you did!) very comfortable and easy to assemble. Lovely for the price
Simple and elegant
Simple and elegant. Exactly what we needed fir the space we have. Not too difficult to assemble either. I like this one.
Great for small spaces!
East to assemble, comfortable and sturdy. Its a loveseat but I think 3 people can fit comfortably. Exactly what we expected and the measurements were accurate. Very cute, looks just like the pictures.
nice look!
Easy assembly. I also bought an armchair from the same company and they match well! I would not recommend sleeping on it, though / its pretty stiff! Just as pictured very happy with my purchase.
Very nice and comfortable
It beautiful and comfortable seat. Style and purpose
This is such a great couch!
Its sturdy, it went together easily and intuitively. And met the price point. Awesome. Decent for the price
Great for a small apartment or room
Comfortable and fits perfectly in my small apartment. The pieces for the couch come in two boxes (at least it did for me) and may ship separately. I didnt get notified of the second delivery box because or whoever the distributor is put it under one tracking number. Other than that, no complaints about the couch so far. Comfortable and high quality!
Simple and Fairly Priced
It is not the most comfortable but is very simple and works for a good first couch in a small apartment. Thought it would be white/beige but it is definitely more gray. Hope to improve in the future
So easy to assemble!
This is confortable, good looking and super easy to assemble. I now have several ALL GOOD!
Easy assembly.
Very nice couch and easy to assembly at a reasonable price. Great for small spaces. Would recommend to friends. So far meets my expectations
Modern design
Great modern couch for a small space. Looks much more expensive than it was and definitely doesnt look like something you bought off (but you did!) very comfortable and easy to assemble. Lovely for the price
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