It is a beautiful bench. Very sturdy and has decent storage. The only thing I didnt like about it were the legs. They are too short (4), and that puts the bench too low to the ground, and difficult to sit on. I replaced them with 8 legs, and that put it and comfort height.
We have a king size bed and I was having a hard time finding a storage bench that looked good and wasnt too short. This fit the bill. Its not as long as I would like, but looks so classy and great at the end of our bed. Would highly recommend.
My daughter likes it but the hinges are attached to almost nothing, the back rail is too thin and weak to hold the screws that attach the hinges. Ill have to cut through the inner lining and add more substantial wood so the screws have something to bite into. Its too much of a hassle to return something this big, and I can fix it, so thats the only reason why Im not returning it.
Great look at the right price
It fits perfectly at the end of my bed just as I envisioned it.
High quality bench with storage
I absolutely love this bench. Looks very nice and elegant. Its beautiful light gray color.
It works perfect for windows
I would have preferred more choices in colors and s but that aside, it is comfortable, solid, and getting me a lot of complements
Nice bench
Put it in my living room under A double window ,nice to put my bags on when I come in the door.
Tiny little bench/ great for low profile beds!
Wanted this to work so badly, but the scale was way off for my massive bed. Would work great as a dog couch, though!
Loved this bench! Will plan to purchase a 2nd one!
Arrived promptly, easy to put together and perfect for my room!
Legs too short!
It is a beautiful bench. Very sturdy and has decent storage. The only thing I didnt like about it were the legs. They are too short (4), and that puts the bench too low to the ground, and difficult to sit on. I replaced them with 8 legs, and that put it and comfort height.
It is what you see
Great product
Looks gorgeous in our new home
We have a king size bed and I was having a hard time finding a storage bench that looked good and wasnt too short. This fit the bill. Its not as long as I would like, but looks so classy and great at the end of our bed. Would highly recommend.
Hinge was broken on arrival
My daughter likes it but the hinges are attached to almost nothing, the back rail is too thin and weak to hold the screws that attach the hinges. Ill have to cut through the inner lining and add more substantial wood so the screws have something to bite into. Its too much of a hassle to return something this big, and I can fix it, so thats the only reason why Im not returning it.
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