Easy to assemble, doesnt squeak; is sturdy and has plenty of storage space underneath. Very good for the price! Is better than the last bedframe I had that cost 3x as much and squeaked every time I laid down/got up. cant praise it enough!
The box is small and it looks intimidating to put together. It was not difficult and we were able to put it together pretty quickly. Looks great in his room! still feels plenty sturdy
My 13yo son made it look easy to assemble ,took maybe 15 mins for him to do so. All the pieces were there and it wasnt damaged in anyway. Seems to be pretty sturdy as well. Be sure to have it
My hubby is 600lb an this holds both of us no issue looks and works beautifully just assembly sucked most things didnt fit right must force a lot into place The instructions were perfect! I didnt get confused at all
Got to assembling the bed frame and realized one of the slots was upside down, turns out one arm was mislabeled and I have 3 of the same type vs 2.
I contacted the company they were eager to help me out and just sent me a new bed. If your order is messed up they are more than happy to help out and make sure you get what you need. Needs better support
Good buy! Great quality
Easy to assemble, doesnt squeak; is sturdy and has plenty of storage space underneath. Very good for the price! Is better than the last bedframe I had that cost 3x as much and squeaked every time I laid down/got up. cant praise it enough!
Great bed for our teen son.
The box is small and it looks intimidating to put together. It was not difficult and we were able to put it together pretty quickly. Looks great in his room! still feels plenty sturdy
Looks great
Best choice
Very good
Very good Comes as shown in picture.
Not a bad buy
My 13yo son made it look easy to assemble ,took maybe 15 mins for him to do so. All the pieces were there and it wasnt damaged in anyway. Seems to be pretty sturdy as well. Be sure to have it
Worst assembly ever but holds perfect
My hubby is 600lb an this holds both of us no issue looks and works beautifully just assembly sucked most things didnt fit right must force a lot into place The instructions were perfect! I didnt get confused at all
Make sure pieces 7 8 are different
Got to assembling the bed frame and realized one of the slots was upside down, turns out one arm was mislabeled and I have 3 of the same type vs 2. I contacted the company they were eager to help me out and just sent me a new bed. If your order is messed up they are more than happy to help out and make sure you get what you need. Needs better support
all complete
as i asked, very pleasantly surprised
Good deal for the price
Sturdy and nice looking. Easy to assemble just takes a while
Worth the price.served its purpose
Just as pictured, easy to assemble. I think this is a good option
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