The bed is very sturdy. It came undamaged and with all the hardware. My husband had it put together in about an hour and a half. It is perfect for my 5 year old. Im so very pleased! If your questioning whether to buy it or not, buy it! Its a good product
Directions a little difficult but was still pretty easy to put together. Decent quality for the money. Go with a standard single, the super single has to be stuffed in it. Best quality product
Got this a few days ago. Finally assembled it. Took about 1 1/2 hours with the help of husband and oldest son. Very sturdy as of now. Will return for update later Everything is nice!
This is a great bed and a great value for the price. My 9 year old loves the space under neither and we bought a bed tent so he thinks it is especially cool now. Better price available for same designs
We got this as the next step up bed for our 3 year old. He loves it and it feels sturdy but is light enough for me to move to change sheets. It definitely is not a navy blue which I was wanting but more of a gray blue color, so a little disappointing in that aspect. very sturdy and stylish
Worked out great arrived on time . Frame is sturdy much better that your normal bed frames . Very pleased . My little girl loves it. the storage underneath is great It is sturdy and looks beautiful
I bought a wooden swing set from Walmart, the wood isnt as sturdy as the woods that came for this bed. The instructions were really easy to follow and we got it put up within an hour. My daughter loves it and insisted she go to bed right then! Highly recommend this bed for anyone with a little one. Went together easily
Great bed
Great bed for my 4 year old he LOVES it!! I was so excited to use it
Definitely worth it!
The bed is very sturdy. It came undamaged and with all the hardware. My husband had it put together in about an hour and a half. It is perfect for my 5 year old. Im so very pleased! If your questioning whether to buy it or not, buy it! Its a good product
Definitely recommend
Beautiful color, sturdy, everything I wanted and affordable! Came a lot sooner than I thought! It is ok for the use.
Great bed
Directions a little difficult but was still pretty easy to put together. Decent quality for the money. Go with a standard single, the super single has to be stuffed in it. Best quality product
Love it for now!
Got this a few days ago. Finally assembled it. Took about 1 1/2 hours with the help of husband and oldest son. Very sturdy as of now. Will return for update later Everything is nice!
Great Bed
This is a great bed and a great value for the price. My 9 year old loves the space under neither and we bought a bed tent so he thinks it is especially cool now. Better price available for same designs
Not Bold Blue
We got this as the next step up bed for our 3 year old. He loves it and it feels sturdy but is light enough for me to move to change sheets. It definitely is not a navy blue which I was wanting but more of a gray blue color, so a little disappointing in that aspect. very sturdy and stylish
Loft Bed Love it
Worked out great arrived on time . Frame is sturdy much better that your normal bed frames . Very pleased . My little girl loves it. the storage underneath is great It is sturdy and looks beautiful
Wonderful bed
I bought a wooden swing set from Walmart, the wood isnt as sturdy as the woods that came for this bed. The instructions were really easy to follow and we got it put up within an hour. My daughter loves it and insisted she go to bed right then! Highly recommend this bed for anyone with a little one. Went together easily
Great toddler bed
Grandson loves his bed for an an almost 4 year o left boy I love it.
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