It was easy to assemble. Overall its fine, but not great. Here are some of my observations. The drawer guide needs to be installed in the right direction to get it to stop in the back (saw other reviews complain of that). There arent covers for the screws on the sides, which is odd. The top is warped, but hoping it settles itself over time. Its not sturdy at all so Ill secure it to the wall. The screws for the knobs arent long enough so Ill have to find others. ALL GOOD!
This was so easy to assemble and is so sturdy that I went and ordered the rest of the x/frame collection to match. Took less than 40 minutes to assemble by myself So far meets my expectations
Super easy to assemble and we put it in our entry way, more for decor. Its not very sturdy if it was to get high traffic. The drawer doesnt stop at the back so if you dont align it at the front you could probably push it out the back side. The screws are silver and there is nothing to cover them up once you screw them into the furniture. We used a black marker to paint them. Lovely for the price
Mostly nice. But the wood is slightly warped. Probably stored in a hot place. Until sold. But not so bad as to require a return. Also missing a screw for one of the two drawer handles. Absolutely awesome product!!
Not a bad table for the price. Pros/great price, looks great and perfect size for the location l needed. Cons/ missing half of the screws, came with a few scratches. The company told me they would contact me with the missing hardware so well see.
Great value
Loves how easy it was to assemble and high quality!
Fine, but not great
It was easy to assemble. Overall its fine, but not great. Here are some of my observations. The drawer guide needs to be installed in the right direction to get it to stop in the back (saw other reviews complain of that). There arent covers for the screws on the sides, which is odd. The top is warped, but hoping it settles itself over time. Its not sturdy at all so Ill secure it to the wall. The screws for the knobs arent long enough so Ill have to find others. ALL GOOD!
Very easy assembly and very sturdy
This was so easy to assemble and is so sturdy that I went and ordered the rest of the x/frame collection to match. Took less than 40 minutes to assemble by myself So far meets my expectations
Not very sturdy
Super easy to assemble and we put it in our entry way, more for decor. Its not very sturdy if it was to get high traffic. The drawer doesnt stop at the back so if you dont align it at the front you could probably push it out the back side. The screws are silver and there is nothing to cover them up once you screw them into the furniture. We used a black marker to paint them. Lovely for the price
Good buy
Well constructed Its a fantastic price.
I didnt get my bad replacement part I did email them draw didnt had side sliders This product was exactly what I was hoping for
Missing a screw and slightly warped.
Mostly nice. But the wood is slightly warped. Probably stored in a hot place. Until sold. But not so bad as to require a return. Also missing a screw for one of the two drawer handles. Absolutely awesome product!!
Nice table just missing half the hardware
Not a bad table for the price. Pros/great price, looks great and perfect size for the location l needed. Cons/ missing half of the screws, came with a few scratches. The company told me they would contact me with the missing hardware so well see.
Did it by myself
In love , the only issue was the assembly of the drawer. Great color and study. Really Happy!!
Perfect entry way table!
Perfect size table for our entry way. Love the color Great find!!
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