I shipped this to my school and it took 11 days and was awkward trying to pick it up. sturdy product though, stylish and really worth the wait. Well made and packaged.
My son wanted this for Christmas for his room. You cant really tell by the picture. But, it is, actually, very comfortable to sit on. We got it on sale around Christmas and it was a great deal. Value for money.
I wanted a simple sofa/sleeper for reading and this one is great. The setup was a breeze and it took all of 8 minutes to set it up. It is very sturdy as both of my 65 lb Bulldogs will attest when they both jumped up on it to test it out. The and frame is good quality. I like this sofa/sleeper so much that Im thinking about getting a second one. works great.
Its a very cheap and nice couch. i believe its pretty well built. its comfortable with elastic bands, rather than thin mattresses on most futons. it sits low to the ground however. the only probably with this couch is that it is very short. i expected it to be a full size futon, like most. however with my head at the top, my feet and ankles, about half way up my shin, hang off. it was purchased for a growing, 6 teenage girl, in her new room in the basement. it fits perfectly in the space, so overall very satisfied. Love it.
It is perfect for a temporary use as a bed for two weeks visit. Once the guest left, it will be a styles sofa in my leaving room. It is just what i am looking for. Expected.
Shipping was a pain
I shipped this to my school and it took 11 days and was awkward trying to pick it up. sturdy product though, stylish and really worth the wait. Well made and packaged.
Great Value
A little smaller than we thought it would begreat for the kids. Good quality.
Very comfortable
My son wanted this for Christmas for his room. You cant really tell by the picture. But, it is, actually, very comfortable to sit on. We got it on sale around Christmas and it was a great deal. Value for money.
Great for a kids room
This is good for someone shorter because the futons 1foot 1/2 off the floor. Its comfortable to sit but not to sleep on. Great!
Assembly was easy
Great price and easy to assemble Good quality.
Love this sofa/sleeper
I wanted a simple sofa/sleeper for reading and this one is great. The setup was a breeze and it took all of 8 minutes to set it up. It is very sturdy as both of my 65 lb Bulldogs will attest when they both jumped up on it to test it out. The and frame is good quality. I like this sofa/sleeper so much that Im thinking about getting a second one. works great.
worth the money
It might not be the most comfortable or biggest, but is worth every cent!! My daughter love it!!!
Its a very cheap and nice couch. i believe its pretty well built. its comfortable with elastic bands, rather than thin mattresses on most futons. it sits low to the ground however. the only probably with this couch is that it is very short. i expected it to be a full size futon, like most. however with my head at the top, my feet and ankles, about half way up my shin, hang off. it was purchased for a growing, 6 teenage girl, in her new room in the basement. it fits perfectly in the space, so overall very satisfied. Love it.
Love it
This is a great futon. Was very easy to assemble and is good quality. Very happy with this purchase. Save some money and buy this.
Good product
It is perfect for a temporary use as a bed for two weeks visit. Once the guest left, it will be a styles sofa in my leaving room. It is just what i am looking for. Expected.
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