Daughter and her friend assembled by themselves. Attractive, not sure how comfortable it will be buts its a futon, not a bed . cant expect too much. recommend!
I purchased this for my grandson for Christmas to use in his gaming area. Could not be more pleased. Assembled in a matter of minutes. Very well/made.sturdy construction.perfect for a rough and tumble 6 year old. Comfortable both sitting and lying down. Highly recommend! Built strong.
Very comfortable for the price, not as sturdy as i would like but definitely gets the job done, works great as a seater and a guest bed if needed. Kids love it easy to put together.
Looks nice but is pretty firm and not as large as it appears. Length is short so you cant fold out and use for sleeping unless you are under 54. Love it!
Its a futon, as described!
Daughter and her friend assembled by themselves. Attractive, not sure how comfortable it will be buts its a futon, not a bed . cant expect too much. recommend!
High quality product.
I purchased this for my grandson for Christmas to use in his gaming area. Could not be more pleased. Assembled in a matter of minutes. Very well/made.sturdy construction.perfect for a rough and tumble 6 year old. Comfortable both sitting and lying down. Highly recommend! Built strong.
Great couch!
Arrived today, assembled in about 10 mins. Very comfy! Worth it! She loves it.
Easy to assemble!!
Love it! I Love it.
Collection Convertible Sofa
A little stiff but it is comfortable enough! Contained everything need to assemble and it was very easy! The price is well worth it! Good.
Definitely Recommend
Very comfortable for the price, not as sturdy as i would like but definitely gets the job done, works great as a seater and a guest bed if needed. Kids love it easy to put together.
Simplisty, use in my studio. Perfect.
Best couch ever
Great product for a awesome price Easy assembly.
Looks nice but small
Looks nice but is pretty firm and not as large as it appears. Length is short so you cant fold out and use for sleeping unless you are under 54. Love it!
Love ir
Well made and easy to set up. Great for extra guests Better than expected.
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