This frame is very sturdy and quiet! It ends up looking exactly as pictured and fits my queen mattress well. It took me about 2 hours to assemble on my own, but Im sure with another person it wouldve been much quicker. There was a little less than a week delay in delivery, but other than that, I was happy when it finally arrived.
Product is on the cheap side but it truly does it job for my house. Bought it for a spare bedroom for guests. If it was for everyday sleeping on Im not sure Id keep it but it is okay.
Liked it was more modern,disliked the screws did not all go well,but in the end did hold well.had instructions to leve on front porch,they left it by our tree,did not take a let item know was there,but got the item.
Its simple to assemble except for one thing. There are 4 nuts to be placed in the assembly process. After turning the nuts only a few times all movements ceased. I did not panic. Just hold the nut with pliers and it solves the problem.
Easy to assemble. Just take your time and follow the instructions. Its in a guest bedroom so it doesnt get daily use. Seems sturdy. Nothing fancy but nice.
Exactly what I was looking for
This frame is very sturdy and quiet! It ends up looking exactly as pictured and fits my queen mattress well. It took me about 2 hours to assemble on my own, but Im sure with another person it wouldve been much quicker. There was a little less than a week delay in delivery, but other than that, I was happy when it finally arrived.
Cheap but does the job
Product is on the cheap side but it truly does it job for my house. Bought it for a spare bedroom for guests. If it was for everyday sleeping on Im not sure Id keep it but it is okay.
Love it
It was easy to assemble and good quality
Only need one mattress pad for this bed frame.
Liked it was more modern,disliked the screws did not all go well,but in the end did hold well.had instructions to leve on front porch,they left it by our tree,did not take a let item know was there,but got the item.
A real value
Its simple to assemble except for one thing. There are 4 nuts to be placed in the assembly process. After turning the nuts only a few times all movements ceased. I did not panic. Just hold the nut with pliers and it solves the problem.
Decent bed for a child or teen
Cane with many parts and took a while to put together. Decent bed but the paint or whatever it is coated with was already peaking off.
Love the under storage
Weve had to continue to tighten the bolts because they loosen so fast. Super cute frame! Love the high bottom for storage!
Very Nice
I love the black frame , Goes good in any bedroom
Love it
Buy it now
So far so good
Easy to assemble. Just take your time and follow the instructions. Its in a guest bedroom so it doesnt get daily use. Seems sturdy. Nothing fancy but nice.
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