It was perfect, make sure to read the directions before starting, but was easy to make corrections if you put the sections in the wrong place. It has been sturdy. Multi kids have climbed up with ease.
Took 3 hours to assemble. Came with no instructions. Had for a week and already wobbly. Good for kids about 8 and under. Bigger kids were unsure and felt it wasnt sturdy enough.
ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! It’s sturdy, and my children love it, the trundle is perfect and for the price and easiness of installment we are greatly satisfied.
The only thing I didnt like about this product is that there are no words on the directions. Not a huge deal but if you dont look very closely at the pictures youll have to take things apart and redo it. Also some of the screws didnt match up perfectly but I was still able to get it together.
Twin over full
I love it my kids love it. Very easy to put together. Definitely a great buy!
Great buy!
Granddaughters love it!
Great buy
It was perfect, make sure to read the directions before starting, but was easy to make corrections if you put the sections in the wrong place. It has been sturdy. Multi kids have climbed up with ease.
Not sturdy. Wobbly.
Took 3 hours to assemble. Came with no instructions. Had for a week and already wobbly. Good for kids about 8 and under. Bigger kids were unsure and felt it wasnt sturdy enough.
Nice color
A little hard to put together had to disassemble twice to fix overall my babies loves it and the color. seem sturdy enough.
Best Bunk Ever
ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! It’s sturdy, and my children love it, the trundle is perfect and for the price and easiness of installment we are greatly satisfied.
My grand kids did loves them.
Love the Bunk bed, Id like it even better if It would come apart.., that you could separate them to use in 2 different rooms.
Hard to put together
The only thing I didnt like about this product is that there are no words on the directions. Not a huge deal but if you dont look very closely at the pictures youll have to take things apart and redo it. Also some of the screws didnt match up perfectly but I was still able to get it together.
Very satisfied with this product
Very satisfied with this product
Parts missing
Came with the safety rail missing. Instructions were not good
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