Very happy with this purchase. Fast shipping as always. My twin girls love it! Very solid/sturdy and it was very easy to put together. It took me about 2.5 hours. The box was in rough shape when it arrived and I was worried, but there were only 2 minor cosmetic issues; not enough to demand replacement. My daughter love it!!!
The bunk bed is very sturdy and my girls love it. The only negative thing I can say is that the wood was chipped in one spot. It will be an easy fix, but still frustrating. Love it.
Good product. (1 screw just broke in half.) The directions where good I had help from an 8 and 11 year old. Light weight. Box was beat up but everything was fine. Organize yourself before hand and help is recommended. I cut a peice of L wrench off and used my drill. Much faster. 2 hours. Max. Expected.
Pretty decent bunk bed for the price. Took about an hour to put together. The only real complaint is that it is squeaky as all heck when daughter uses the ladder. Good deal and was easy to put together.
Excellent Quality and a very decent price. Didnt have a hard time putting it together. Defiantly a good buy Bought two great value for the money, durable.
Easy to assemble, we needed to buy more boards to support the mattress.
Be aware, the ladder is on the right, and you cannot place it on the left. If you are buying a bunk bed, you are probably limited in space, and have no many options to rearrange the furniture. My girls have to sleep with their Great Product.
Solid bunk bed at a great price.
Very happy with this purchase. Fast shipping as always. My twin girls love it! Very solid/sturdy and it was very easy to put together. It took me about 2.5 hours. The box was in rough shape when it arrived and I was worried, but there were only 2 minor cosmetic issues; not enough to demand replacement. My daughter love it!!!
The bunk bed is very sturdy and my girls love it
The bunk bed is very sturdy and my girls love it. The only negative thing I can say is that the wood was chipped in one spot. It will be an easy fix, but still frustrating. Love it.
Easy to put together
Easy to put together. Kids love it. It is a bit short between bottom and top bunk. Great for small kids. Save some money and buy this.
Good product couple tips
Good product. (1 screw just broke in half.) The directions where good I had help from an 8 and 11 year old. Light weight. Box was beat up but everything was fine. Organize yourself before hand and help is recommended. I cut a peice of L wrench off and used my drill. Much faster. 2 hours. Max. Expected.
Good stuff
Pretty decent bunk bed for the price. Took about an hour to put together. The only real complaint is that it is squeaky as all heck when daughter uses the ladder. Good deal and was easy to put together.
Five Stars
Grab a friend to help assemble I love it space saver I am back to buy another one.
Five Stars
easy to assemble Easy directions.
Five Stars
Very good value I would buy it again. Excellent product!
Five Stars
Excellent Quality and a very decent price. Didnt have a hard time putting it together. Defiantly a good buy Bought two great value for the money, durable.
be aware of ladders position
Easy to assemble, we needed to buy more boards to support the mattress. Be aware, the ladder is on the right, and you cannot place it on the left. If you are buying a bunk bed, you are probably limited in space, and have no many options to rearrange the furniture. My girls have to sleep with their Great Product.
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