Nice quality, easy too assemble, looks nice. I love this sofa it is very firm and sturdy. No brain needed to assemble it. I assembled with my 3rd grade boy. happy with the purchase.
Its not for everyone, but its perfect for us! It was very easy to assemble. It took about 5 minutes. The fabric is good and will be easily wiped clean with no problems. The color is just what I expected, a little dark wine color. Good size for a small apartment.
I could not have asked for a more perfect couch. It came in two boxes, on was long but very light and the other one was a bigger square box and pretty heavy. It took less than 25 mins to completely put it together. This is the perfect size for my 450 sqft studio and fits the width of a queen bed perfectly. Its lower to the ground and has smaller armrests for an overall lower profile couch. I can lay out comfortably on it but its firm enough to keep its shape. Its sturdy and the way they have you assemble it is with sturdier hardware so its not going to bend or break with time. Each screw for the legs threaded perfectly into the bottom of the couch and the back slid on in one easy step. I was able to assemble the entire couch alone without a second persons assistance. Its small enough to maneuver alone and doesnt take a lot of muscle to get it where you want it to go.
Overall perfect couch and really cant say enough great things about it!
Its not the most comfortable in the world, but its elegant and sturdy, and better quality than we expected. My wife bought this for her study, and has fallen asleep a couple times on it without any complaints. Its pretty stiff, but thats a matter of taste. Assembly was easy, but goes a lot faster with a drill and extension. Great buy for the price.
So easy to put together for someone as mechanically challenged as I am. This couch is exactly what I need for me every small living space. It arrived in multiple boxes which allowed me to move it around by myself. Instructions were very clear. Easy to assemble. It is a beautiful deep green. The cushions are firm which is what I wanted. I am very satisfied.
This is a solid loveseat. The green color is nice, as is the velvet-like fabric. It was easy to put together. The instructions were good. I appreciated that the company even included a screwdriver! The cushions are quite firm--a little too firm for us, but theyre okay overall. I also wish the seat section was a little longer, meaning the loveseat could be a little wider. But still, a very good loveseat for the price. The cat loves it.
I love this sofa it is very firm and sturdy
Nice quality, easy too assemble, looks nice. I love this sofa it is very firm and sturdy. No brain needed to assemble it. I assembled with my 3rd grade boy. happy with the purchase.
easy assembly. no problems
Its not for everyone, but its perfect for us! It was very easy to assemble. It took about 5 minutes. The fabric is good and will be easily wiped clean with no problems. The color is just what I expected, a little dark wine color. Good size for a small apartment.
Incredible Couch 100% Worth It
I could not have asked for a more perfect couch. It came in two boxes, on was long but very light and the other one was a bigger square box and pretty heavy. It took less than 25 mins to completely put it together. This is the perfect size for my 450 sqft studio and fits the width of a queen bed perfectly. Its lower to the ground and has smaller armrests for an overall lower profile couch. I can lay out comfortably on it but its firm enough to keep its shape. Its sturdy and the way they have you assemble it is with sturdier hardware so its not going to bend or break with time. Each screw for the legs threaded perfectly into the bottom of the couch and the back slid on in one easy step. I was able to assemble the entire couch alone without a second persons assistance. Its small enough to maneuver alone and doesnt take a lot of muscle to get it where you want it to go. Overall perfect couch and really cant say enough great things about it!
Love this couch!
Got this couch for a design project and everyone loved it. Sturdy. Easy to assemble and the color was great!
Better quality than expected
Its not the most comfortable in the world, but its elegant and sturdy, and better quality than we expected. My wife bought this for her study, and has fallen asleep a couple times on it without any complaints. Its pretty stiff, but thats a matter of taste. Assembly was easy, but goes a lot faster with a drill and extension. Great buy for the price.
It was to short but everything else was nice
Its worth every penny. Smart buy. Everything was nice except to short like it was for children
Nice product
We absolutely love this!!!! Easy to assemble and just what I needed!
Great Quality
So easy to put together for someone as mechanically challenged as I am. This couch is exactly what I need for me every small living space. It arrived in multiple boxes which allowed me to move it around by myself. Instructions were very clear. Easy to assemble. It is a beautiful deep green. The cushions are firm which is what I wanted. I am very satisfied.
Good loveseat for the price
This is a solid loveseat. The green color is nice, as is the velvet-like fabric. It was easy to put together. The instructions were good. I appreciated that the company even included a screwdriver! The cushions are quite firm--a little too firm for us, but theyre okay overall. I also wish the seat section was a little longer, meaning the loveseat could be a little wider. But still, a very good loveseat for the price. The cat loves it.
Just what I wanted!
JUst as described and pictured Perfect size for area
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