It’s pretty nice, my son says it’s comfortable. It’s the perfect size for our counter. We did have 1 of the rubber bottom skids missing. We will have to order one so we can use it.
Had the look I needed, easy to assemble. You can tell the quality control is lacking... one stool was missing a screw so it has 3 instead of 4 keeping the seat on. Otherwise good.
Bar stools are easy to assemble but need washers to secure seat. Nice quality. However, one of the suport bars had two of the holes on the wrong side of the bar. The 4 holes are supposed to be 2 on each end of the same side. Telephone number which was printed on a tag that came with each bar stool is fake. Just rings and doesn’t exist according to phone company. So you are SOL.
Watch out for sand in the parts when assembling these bar stools! Assembly itself was very easy.
They are perfect for my kitchen as I needed something low profile to tuck under the counter. I’m not worried about them not being leather as they will not be used a lot. Good buy for the money.
They were pretty easy to assemble. I’m slow, so it probably took me an hour or so to put them together. They feel sturdy and are comfortable to sit on. They fit perfectly for my “counter island”. Definitely would recommend. I bought the grey and it is a lovely stool. Good luck! Oh, make sure you put the cushion with the “design” on the outside. The first one I put together, I didn’t do it correctly and it was a pain to “unscrew” the cushion and fix it. Like I said, I’m slow.
Good for what we need it for.
It’s pretty nice, my son says it’s comfortable. It’s the perfect size for our counter. We did have 1 of the rubber bottom skids missing. We will have to order one so we can use it.
We shall see
So far so good. Last stools had wooden legs. So will shall see.
Looks good with screw missing
Had the look I needed, easy to assemble. You can tell the quality control is lacking... one stool was missing a screw so it has 3 instead of 4 keeping the seat on. Otherwise good.
Phone number for seller is fake!
Bar stools are easy to assemble but need washers to secure seat. Nice quality. However, one of the suport bars had two of the holes on the wrong side of the bar. The 4 holes are supposed to be 2 on each end of the same side. Telephone number which was printed on a tag that came with each bar stool is fake. Just rings and doesn’t exist according to phone company. So you are SOL.
Assembled but not level
2 seats came unlevel and wiggly. I’ll deal but was a bit disappointed
Low profile barstools
Watch out for sand in the parts when assembling these bar stools! Assembly itself was very easy. They are perfect for my kitchen as I needed something low profile to tuck under the counter. I’m not worried about them not being leather as they will not be used a lot. Good buy for the money.
Nice chairs.
Nice chairs. Love it.
Love my new counter stools
They were pretty easy to assemble. I’m slow, so it probably took me an hour or so to put them together. They feel sturdy and are comfortable to sit on. They fit perfectly for my “counter island”. Definitely would recommend. I bought the grey and it is a lovely stool. Good luck! Oh, make sure you put the cushion with the “design” on the outside. The first one I put together, I didn’t do it correctly and it was a pain to “unscrew” the cushion and fix it. Like I said, I’m slow.
Great for price
Very nice for the price
Very sturdy and comfortable
I wish it had a side bar to rest the foot on the side if needed. Otherwise very nice and comfy
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