I bought this for my daughter/in/law who is due in January. She is a tiny little thing and the chair fits her nicely. For someone of average or larger size like me, I would be careful to really consider the size of this chair. It may be too small for someone who isnt a size 00 Value for money.
Super cute for our nursery, the recliner though is not easy to lift all the way up, and harder to close when done using which is not good. Very heavy. Easy assembly. Good material! Good quality.
This was so easy to assemble. And its very comfortable for those long nights with a newborn. The only issue we have is its very hard to close once you have the foot rest out. Not a deal breaker just hard to do with a baby in your arms. works great.
The quality and size of this chair for the price is great. My only complaint is that the gray color is such a cool color gray that it almost appears blue/gray in certain lighting. It didnt end up matching anything in the room because the gray was so different. Also, dont forget to cut the zip tie on the bottom of the chair once you assemble it, otherwise it wont rock properly! Save some money and buy this.
Received as a baby shower gift. We love it! Was put together in all of 2/3 mins. Its extremely comfortable for both me and my 6foot tall husband! The material is like a velvet so extremely soft. We will see over time how well it cleans and holds up. All the features work really well and my husband loves the recline even though it doesnt lock in. It holds well enough though where you do have to apply pressure for it to go back down. Good deal and was easy to put together.
Smaller rocker
I bought this for my daughter/in/law who is due in January. She is a tiny little thing and the chair fits her nicely. For someone of average or larger size like me, I would be careful to really consider the size of this chair. It may be too small for someone who isnt a size 00 Value for money.
Love love love!!
I absolutely love this !!!! Must have!! Great!
Super cute for our nursery, the recliner though is not easy to lift all the way up, and harder to close when done using which is not good. Very heavy. Easy assembly. Good material! Good quality.
Baby and I love it
This was so easy to assemble. And its very comfortable for those long nights with a newborn. The only issue we have is its very hard to close once you have the foot rest out. Not a deal breaker just hard to do with a baby in your arms. works great.
Soft comfy chair
This chair Is a perfect nursery chair. Glides, rocks, reclines. Material soft n durable. My daughter love it!!!
Wonderful Gorgeous
Much BUY AWESOME Loving it Love it.
Nice but almost blue gray
The quality and size of this chair for the price is great. My only complaint is that the gray color is such a cool color gray that it almost appears blue/gray in certain lighting. It didnt end up matching anything in the room because the gray was so different. Also, dont forget to cut the zip tie on the bottom of the chair once you assemble it, otherwise it wont rock properly! Save some money and buy this.
Super easy to assemble and comfortable
Very easy to assemble and super comfortable. Exactly what I was looking for. The only thing is that it wont rock if you lift the legs Expected.
We love it!
Received as a baby shower gift. We love it! Was put together in all of 2/3 mins. Its extremely comfortable for both me and my 6foot tall husband! The material is like a velvet so extremely soft. We will see over time how well it cleans and holds up. All the features work really well and my husband loves the recline even though it doesnt lock in. It holds well enough though where you do have to apply pressure for it to go back down. Good deal and was easy to put together.
So comfy !!
Really comfy recliner and easy to get in and out of. I love it space saver I am back to buy another one.
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