We love this for our three girls! Its very sturdy and also very nice looking. Assembly takes a little while but is so worth it! Easy to assemble just takes a while
This adorable triple bunk is beautiful and sturdy. My kids feel cozy and secure in each bed. It was also amingly simple to assemble, with clear, illustrated instructions. Assembly tip: This bed is sold as a double or a triple bunk and it comes in two boxes. Make sure you follow the directions for the triple which is a separate booklet. Luckily, we realized before we made any mistakes. I think this is a good option
Arrived on time, in 3 separate boxes. Was quite a project to assemble, but as long as you have a few power tools and follow the instructions its a breeze. It fit nicely in a regular size bedroom. Very sturdy. Fit a standard twin size mattress. Very very happy with this bed. This product is pretty decent for the price
I have 6 year old triplets and they have used this triple bunk bed for more than a year now and it is still very sturdy great shape. and came earlier than expected
Weve had this for over a year, and its still holding up with all of our cry boys. Take your time and assemble it right and it will last you for forever. Easy setup and sturdy!
In the midst of assembling now and the screws that they sent wont screw into the slats, theyre too long.
No Im not a stupid female that cant follow instructions. theyre the wrong screws not happy at all
I dislike the small hex wrench they give u your hand will hurt after 2 hours takes about 3/5 hours to assemble. I was missing 5 of each screws however but lowes had the extra hardware as you can see. helped me though, with a gift card to buy the missing hardware. I overall like the product and suggest getting it ups arrived 4 days earlier then expected in delaware. Thank you Love this product. No issues.
Awesome bed! Instead of having three beds in a room this bed gave us so much floor space for our boys! Put together myself it was a task! Best deal for a very nice
Sturdy, good quality
We love this for our three girls! Its very sturdy and also very nice looking. Assembly takes a little while but is so worth it! Easy to assemble just takes a while
We love it!
This adorable triple bunk is beautiful and sturdy. My kids feel cozy and secure in each bed. It was also amingly simple to assemble, with clear, illustrated instructions. Assembly tip: This bed is sold as a double or a triple bunk and it comes in two boxes. Make sure you follow the directions for the triple which is a separate booklet. Luckily, we realized before we made any mistakes. I think this is a good option
good quality I recommend it
Very good quality and LOVE LOVE LOVE
Well made, sturdy. The kids love it!
Arrived on time, in 3 separate boxes. Was quite a project to assemble, but as long as you have a few power tools and follow the instructions its a breeze. It fit nicely in a regular size bedroom. Very sturdy. Fit a standard twin size mattress. Very very happy with this bed. This product is pretty decent for the price
Triple bunk bed for my triplets
I have 6 year old triplets and they have used this triple bunk bed for more than a year now and it is still very sturdy great shape. and came earlier than expected
Grand kids are tickled!!
Very pleased with the delivery, the product And the assembly service. Nothing can be Improved. This is awesome!
I love it
Weve had this for over a year, and its still holding up with all of our cry boys. Take your time and assemble it right and it will last you for forever. Easy setup and sturdy!
Wrong screws
In the midst of assembling now and the screws that they sent wont screw into the slats, theyre too long. No Im not a stupid female that cant follow instructions. theyre the wrong screws not happy at all
The assembly takes 3/5hrs
I dislike the small hex wrench they give u your hand will hurt after 2 hours takes about 3/5 hours to assemble. I was missing 5 of each screws however but lowes had the extra hardware as you can see. helped me though, with a gift card to buy the missing hardware. I overall like the product and suggest getting it ups arrived 4 days earlier then expected in delaware. Thank you Love this product. No issues.
Easy bed to assemble!
Awesome bed! Instead of having three beds in a room this bed gave us so much floor space for our boys! Put together myself it was a task! Best deal for a very nice
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