This was purchased for my daughter. Its beautiful. Easily put together. Sturdy and stylish. Great value. She has one wall of red brick paneling, and this padded grey headboard looks aming against the brick.
Took almost 2 weeks to get here. It all comes in 1 box. I had the handy man of the house put this together since hes good with things like this. Theres so many pieces in the box that he thought itd take forever. Some people said it took 30 minutes, it took 1 and a half hrs to put together. A few pieces didnt want to work right but eventually it was set right. The fabric didnt have any smell to it (Im very sensitive to smells). Its not hard but not soft either, like right in the middle. So far Im going to say its worth the money, even if it just lasts a year thats okay for the price. Theres enough room to fit a flat tote under the bed. On hardwood floor it doesnt take a lot of force to move the bed around but it doesnt move around too easy. Hope that makes sense.
Its not very sturdy, its pretty and very easy to assemble but every time I sit or move its rather flimsy. I would return and get a refund but itll be a huge hassle since its so big. Dont buy !!
Beautiful, great price, easy to assemble.
This was purchased for my daughter. Its beautiful. Easily put together. Sturdy and stylish. Great value. She has one wall of red brick paneling, and this padded grey headboard looks aming against the brick.
It is okay
Easy to assemble Fabric is so cheap
2 week arrival. Decent price.
Took almost 2 weeks to get here. It all comes in 1 box. I had the handy man of the house put this together since hes good with things like this. Theres so many pieces in the box that he thought itd take forever. Some people said it took 30 minutes, it took 1 and a half hrs to put together. A few pieces didnt want to work right but eventually it was set right. The fabric didnt have any smell to it (Im very sensitive to smells). Its not hard but not soft either, like right in the middle. So far Im going to say its worth the money, even if it just lasts a year thats okay for the price. Theres enough room to fit a flat tote under the bed. On hardwood floor it doesnt take a lot of force to move the bed around but it doesnt move around too easy. Hope that makes sense.
Only have had for a month and its already breaking apart the bottom platform where legs are broken now what am I going to do
Not a sturdy bed
This bed isnt sturdy! It is beautiful though!
Headboard is a little shaky and doesnt feel solid. Overall though, its pretty nice.
Its not very sturdy, its pretty and very easy to assemble but every time I sit or move its rather flimsy. I would return and get a refund but itll be a huge hassle since its so big. Dont buy !!
Great basic frame
Somewhat easy to assemble. Definitely platform, and I love it. Love the Velcro railing too! Well see how it holds up.
Very nice bed
Easy to assemble Looks good
Strong enough to do the job.
Easy to assemble. Storage underneath. Nice color.
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