This was easy to assemble and is sturdy. Remember to assemble the middle support bars and legs before you attach to the bed frame because it is easier this way. It is nice that it has different height options on the legs. I recommend having two people put this bed together.
I bought this bed for my bedroom. My mattress kept slipping off of my bed and I needed a headboard and a footboard on my bed. I also needed something that was pleasing to my husband as well as to me. This was it. He fell in love with it just as much as I did. He thought it looked just like a bed his Grandfather had when he was a kid. It was fairly easy to assemble and the instructions were easy to follow. It's fabulous. It looks beautiful in my bedroom. Thanks.
Really great bed for my toddler. Very sturdy and easy to put together. Took me about an hour and a half but I am also pregnant. The only thing I do not like about it is how the hardware is silver and doesnt blend into the white. But like it said, great for my toddlers first real bed.
I was skeptical about paying so much for bed when there were cheaper options. I am glad I did. This bed was just what I was looking for. It was very easy to assemble. I did it by myself before my husband got home. The packaging was very secure. No damages or dents to the bed. There were no missing parts. Very sturdy. Does not squeak or wobble. I would definitely recommend and buy again myself. Great Product !!
I recently bought a Metal Platform Bed Frame Style A for my mother, and set it up. Everything went smoothly, but 1 thing. Step 6, with part F4, for some reason I could not get 1 of the screws in, no big deal, since I'll have to take it down anyway in a few months then I can fix it then.
Otherwise she absolutely loves it, and it's high enough with just her mattress, that she does not need to use risers on it. The quality is solid and it doesn't seem like there will be any problems soon.
Great bed
Good bed with good price
Great buy for your money
This was easy to assemble and is sturdy. Remember to assemble the middle support bars and legs before you attach to the bed frame because it is easier this way. It is nice that it has different height options on the legs. I recommend having two people put this bed together.
Not for grown activity
got creaky after a few rounds
I bought this bed for my bedroom. My mattress kept slipping off of my bed and I needed a headboard and a footboard on my bed. I also needed something that was pleasing to my husband as well as to me. This was it. He fell in love with it just as much as I did. He thought it looked just like a bed his Grandfather had when he was a kid. It was fairly easy to assemble and the instructions were easy to follow. It's fabulous. It looks beautiful in my bedroom. Thanks.
Sturdy and easy to assemble
Really great bed for my toddler. Very sturdy and easy to put together. Took me about an hour and a half but I am also pregnant. The only thing I do not like about it is how the hardware is silver and doesnt blend into the white. But like it said, great for my toddlers first real bed.
Great Value.
Looks great. Just like the picture. Easy to assemble. Well packaged. I'm quite pleased.
Great Frame for the Money
The frame is a nice addition to my home. Close enough to an antique version (which would never be in queen size btw) to suit me needs.
I Love It
I was skeptical about paying so much for bed when there were cheaper options. I am glad I did. This bed was just what I was looking for. It was very easy to assemble. I did it by myself before my husband got home. The packaging was very secure. No damages or dents to the bed. There were no missing parts. Very sturdy. Does not squeak or wobble. I would definitely recommend and buy again myself. Great Product !!
I recently bought a Metal Platform Bed Frame Style A for my mother, and set it up. Everything went smoothly, but 1 thing. Step 6, with part F4, for some reason I could not get 1 of the screws in, no big deal, since I'll have to take it down anyway in a few months then I can fix it then. Otherwise she absolutely loves it, and it's high enough with just her mattress, that she does not need to use risers on it. The quality is solid and it doesn't seem like there will be any problems soon.
love the style
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