Perfect for what I wanted Beautiful and sturdy bed but took us almost 7 hours to assemble. Directions were double printed in some steps, but not a big deal. My son loves it!
Long time to assemble. But worth the time. Im very happy with my purchase of this loft bed. Ive seen a bunch of reviews says that its so rough and splintery which isnt even close to true. Its whitewashed just as described so its not a glossy smooth finish. The pieces are real wood, not laminated particle boards. It did take me and my 12 year old 4 hours to put together but it would have been much quicker with another adult working. My 7 year old loves it. I do plan to add LED lighting underneath because its very dark inside.
Great product, loving it! Thanks Easy to assemble. The sturdiness is great at points I doubted it but Its still standing. Super cool put some led light strings underneath it too. 10/10 recommended
If youre thinking about it...Order it! Took a couple of days to put every teeny tiny part together but so worth it. Baby boy (3 yo) loves it and its sturdy and safe.
I love the bed and so do my littles. However, the instructions are horrible! Maybe Im old school (44), but back in my day there were at least some written instructions. The directions on this thing have none. Daddy put this together and had a heck of a time. Wasnt until I sat down and spent way too much time looking at them that I realized there are separate instructions on if you want the ladder on the left or right. They are interwoven, so be warned! Sadly, the ladder is on the wrong side now and no one wants to take it apart and reassemble.
They Look perfect in my quest room After unboxing there was one piece missing. The customer service was great though and are shipping the missing piece. It did take me four hours to build myself. It may go faster with some help.
I am pleased with the quality and my daughter LOVES her new bed. She especially loves the reading nook/ house
Instructions for assembly would be helpful We bought two of these for my twins upcoming 4 birthday (ignore the walls we are in the middle of redecorating). My daughters twin brothers bed is on the opposite side of the room and it was super easy to build these to be looking left and right. It only took a couple of hours to build each bed. The instructions were easy to follow and these beds are super sturdy. The twins love being up to crawl under them and I was very pleased by how much space was available underneath. As soon as we got this one built my daughter immediately had to put books on her shelf. They have barely left their room since we built these so I say this is a definite win and so worth the purchase.
The manufacturer has incredible customer service. Its very comfy and Im very happy! I must mention the only bad but its a bad bad for me. The bed sat for about 2 months until we were able to put it up and I wish I had opened it and left it in the storage house because of the smell. It has been 2 weeks and the smell is still overwhelming and makes me sick because of my bad allergies. Ive washed it down with a number of things and raise the window every morning after my toddler leaves for daycare. ITS HORRIBLE!!
The positive is that I LOVE this bed because of the design,ease to put up (did by myself over the weekend while hubby was at work), and its sturdy. I personally know its sturdy because were transitioning a toddler from our bed so I have to sleep in there with him until hes sleep lol. The drawer opening under the bed so Im not going to put clothes in there because my son would probably unfold them but were using it as more storage for all the Hot Wheels and Monster Trucks.
For the money it is awesome! Good quality and value, but assembly was difficult. I had to take apart and reassemble sections about 4 times because the picture wasnt clear on which side should be facing in or and it took several steps to realize a mistake was made.
Great bed but time consuming
Perfect for what I wanted Beautiful and sturdy bed but took us almost 7 hours to assemble. Directions were double printed in some steps, but not a big deal. My son loves it!
Great quality and value
Glad I found what I wanted Fantastic quality bed! Easy to follow instructions for assembly. Great buy for us!
Nice product
Long time to assemble. But worth the time. Im very happy with my purchase of this loft bed. Ive seen a bunch of reviews says that its so rough and splintery which isnt even close to true. Its whitewashed just as described so its not a glossy smooth finish. The pieces are real wood, not laminated particle boards. It did take me and my 12 year old 4 hours to put together but it would have been much quicker with another adult working. My 7 year old loves it. I do plan to add LED lighting underneath because its very dark inside.
Lowkey this bed is worth way more
Great product, loving it! Thanks Easy to assemble. The sturdiness is great at points I doubted it but Its still standing. Super cool put some led light strings underneath it too. 10/10 recommended
If youre thinking about it...Order it! Took a couple of days to put every teeny tiny part together but so worth it. Baby boy (3 yo) loves it and its sturdy and safe.
Love it! BUT... Directions are awful!
I love the bed and so do my littles. However, the instructions are horrible! Maybe Im old school (44), but back in my day there were at least some written instructions. The directions on this thing have none. Daddy put this together and had a heck of a time. Wasnt until I sat down and spent way too much time looking at them that I realized there are separate instructions on if you want the ladder on the left or right. They are interwoven, so be warned! Sadly, the ladder is on the wrong side now and no one wants to take it apart and reassemble.
There are many parts, overall satisfied.
They Look perfect in my quest room After unboxing there was one piece missing. The customer service was great though and are shipping the missing piece. It did take me four hours to build myself. It may go faster with some help. I am pleased with the quality and my daughter LOVES her new bed. She especially loves the reading nook/ house
Super cute childrens bed
Instructions for assembly would be helpful We bought two of these for my twins upcoming 4 birthday (ignore the walls we are in the middle of redecorating). My daughters twin brothers bed is on the opposite side of the room and it was super easy to build these to be looking left and right. It only took a couple of hours to build each bed. The instructions were easy to follow and these beds are super sturdy. The twins love being up to crawl under them and I was very pleased by how much space was available underneath. As soon as we got this one built my daughter immediately had to put books on her shelf. They have barely left their room since we built these so I say this is a definite win and so worth the purchase.
Great bed BUT beware of the smell!
The manufacturer has incredible customer service. Its very comfy and Im very happy! I must mention the only bad but its a bad bad for me. The bed sat for about 2 months until we were able to put it up and I wish I had opened it and left it in the storage house because of the smell. It has been 2 weeks and the smell is still overwhelming and makes me sick because of my bad allergies. Ive washed it down with a number of things and raise the window every morning after my toddler leaves for daycare. ITS HORRIBLE!! The positive is that I LOVE this bed because of the design,ease to put up (did by myself over the weekend while hubby was at work), and its sturdy. I personally know its sturdy because were transitioning a toddler from our bed so I have to sleep in there with him until hes sleep lol. The drawer opening under the bed so Im not going to put clothes in there because my son would probably unfold them but were using it as more storage for all the Hot Wheels and Monster Trucks.
Beautiful and well made. Assembly challenging.
For the money it is awesome! Good quality and value, but assembly was difficult. I had to take apart and reassemble sections about 4 times because the picture wasnt clear on which side should be facing in or and it took several steps to realize a mistake was made.
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