Arrived early. The color is beautiful and sturdy. It took me and one of my friends to put it together. Almost took 3 people to put together. The instructions were a little back wards but we figured it out. Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
I got this for a small room which my brother and I share so we can have more space. We were insure about bunkbeds for adults but this works great!
There is no shakiness, and we even have more storage space under the bed.
It was super easy to assemble as well.
I have been using it for a few months now and have had no issues! Functional design
Assembling this bed was harder than it should of been. Holes were NOT drilled correctly and wouldnt line up. It ended up with one bolt not being able to insert. It took way longer than it should have to assemble this bed because of that. Fortunately the missing bolt is for the bottom bunk and neither of the girls this bed is for are heavy. Not nearly as sturdy as I hoped
I bought these bunk beds for my grand children . These are great for small rooms but has ample space for them to sleep in. The stairs are easy for them to climb into beds. Style and purpose
Arrived early. The color is beautiful and sturdy. It took me and one of my friends to put it together. Almost took 3 people to put together. The instructions were a little back wards but we figured it out. Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
So sturdy even adults can use it
I got this for a small room which my brother and I share so we can have more space. We were insure about bunkbeds for adults but this works great! There is no shakiness, and we even have more storage space under the bed. It was super easy to assemble as well. I have been using it for a few months now and have had no issues! Functional design
Very nice style
I brought this for my grandson. He loves it. Very easy to assemble Good and inexpensive
very good product.
Very good product for the price. You need drill to assemble it. It take me almost 2 hours to fix it. I like this one.
Sturdy and looks good
Ladder was actually located on the right side. But its sturdy and pretty easy to put together Very cute, looks just like the pictures.
Assembling this bed was harder than it should of been. Holes were NOT drilled correctly and wouldnt line up. It ended up with one bolt not being able to insert. It took way longer than it should have to assemble this bed because of that. Fortunately the missing bolt is for the bottom bunk and neither of the girls this bed is for are heavy. Not nearly as sturdy as I hoped
Good bed.
Me and my bro assembled in about an hour or two. Very sturdy. Good deal for price. No storage. Just as pictured very happy with my purchase.
Very appealing
I bought these bunk beds for my grand children . These are great for small rooms but has ample space for them to sleep in. The stairs are easy for them to climb into beds. Style and purpose
Not sturdy
No good Im totally unhappy I want a refund. Poor durability
I would not recommend this for a older child or adult.
Cute bedI would not buy this for a older child or adult. Decent for the price
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