My husband was able to assemble this by himself in about 3 hours. It is sturdier than I anticipated and I feel safe enough for our 2.5 year old. He can climb up and down it easily/ what I really like is that the ladder is sturdy and fairly comfortable to walk up and down. Love the feel of the fabric and the color
My little girl loves it. Great idea for some extra space. She has a ton of stuffed animals and was able to set up a cute play area for them and herself underneath. Works well
Fantastic purchase for a child or tween. Very sturdy and easy to assemble (took me 2 hours by myselfideally should have 2 people work on it). The mini den underneath is every childs dream. I put up custom curtains with a spring rod to make the den underneath seam more dreamy. Very sturdy. Good quality finish. GREAT for the price! Like it a lot
The bed has a lot of parts and the instructions arent wonderful (easy to get things turned around). It is on par with Ikea furniture. But, my son loves it and it seems like a nice bed so everyone is happy. Very very happy
Assembly was tedious with lots of parts and the instructions are just pictures no explanation. Many of the wood pieces are not labeled. But my hubby was able to put it together by himself in about 2 hours. My son loves his bed and his bat cave underneath. However, within about a week of having the bed, one of the ladder rungs broke as I was climbing down after putting sheets on my sons bed. The weight limit says 500 lbs. Im a big girl l, but only weigh about half of that, so Im not sure why it broke other than the wood seems sub par quality. Im trying to order a new rung or ladder but am having a hard time finding contact info for the manufacturer. I already threw all the manuals/paperwork away after assembling the bed. DO NOT BUY.
you will need two people to put this together. We got the full size and was a lot longer than my husbands arms. My son loves it he is 9. He uses the bottom as a fort. Nice color and easy to assemble
It would been a good loft bed. But a Broken part was delivered. I thought about gluing the board. But its the part that ladder is going to be attached. So I decided to return. Do NOT recommend.
My husband was able to assemble this by himself in about 3 hours. It is sturdier than I anticipated and I feel safe enough for our 2.5 year old. He can climb up and down it easily/ what I really like is that the ladder is sturdy and fairly comfortable to walk up and down. Love the feel of the fabric and the color
Our son loves it and its very sturdy and nice! its very comfortable
My little girl loves it. Great idea for some extra space. She has a ton of stuffed animals and was able to set up a cute play area for them and herself underneath. Works well
GREAT for the price!
Fantastic purchase for a child or tween. Very sturdy and easy to assemble (took me 2 hours by myselfideally should have 2 people work on it). The mini den underneath is every childs dream. I put up custom curtains with a spring rod to make the den underneath seam more dreamy. Very sturdy. Good quality finish. GREAT for the price! Like it a lot
The bed has a lot of parts and the instructions arent wonderful (easy to get things turned around). It is on par with Ikea furniture. But, my son loves it and it seems like a nice bed so everyone is happy. Very very happy
Son loves his bed, but the ladder broke
Assembly was tedious with lots of parts and the instructions are just pictures no explanation. Many of the wood pieces are not labeled. But my hubby was able to put it together by himself in about 2 hours. My son loves his bed and his bat cave underneath. However, within about a week of having the bed, one of the ladder rungs broke as I was climbing down after putting sheets on my sons bed. The weight limit says 500 lbs. Im a big girl l, but only weigh about half of that, so Im not sure why it broke other than the wood seems sub par quality. Im trying to order a new rung or ladder but am having a hard time finding contact info for the manufacturer. I already threw all the manuals/paperwork away after assembling the bed. DO NOT BUY.
Easy to build
It was easy. Took maybe 1hr and half. Impact is a must. Instructions were simple enough. Comfortable and sturdy
Great bed
Perfect for my toddler. Researched for days and picked this one. The most under head space when compared to many others. what else can I say
Looks great and sturdy.
you will need two people to put this together. We got the full size and was a lot longer than my husbands arms. My son loves it he is 9. He uses the bottom as a fort. Nice color and easy to assemble
Broken part
It would been a good loft bed. But a Broken part was delivered. I thought about gluing the board. But its the part that ladder is going to be attached. So I decided to return. Do NOT recommend.
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