We have had 3 children sleeping on this bunk bed for a few months now (2 10-year-olds and a 4-year-old) and they really like it. Its sturdy enough for kids and may even be sturdy enough for a teen. The assembly process took longer than Id like, lots of steps! But the assembly instructions were excellent and clear. Were happy with this purchase.
I was a little skeptical but Im glad I made the purchase. It was easy to assemble. Its actually very sturdy. I love how there is a lot of space between the beds. My boys love their bed.
Design is relatively simple. The slats are easier than they look. Seems sturdy and met all of my criteria for a first bed for my toddler. Couldnt beat the price either (got it when it was 30% off), even kept an eye out for a used bunk bed and nothing this affordable.
The bunk beds were delivered quickly and were easy to set up. It came with all screws and tools needed to put together. Very sturdy and is holding my two teen boys (15 and 16 years old). Is not too high to the ceiling. Definately a good bunk bed for the price!
Bought two of these bunks...literally took me a whole afternoon to assemble one....wish power tools were feasible...seems sturdy and well built...would buy again
This bed was fairly easy to assemble. I have older teenagers and they havent had many issues with their new bed. My daughter is 5 6 and she def has to duck but shes fond of that. She says it gives her a level of comfort being tucked away in her bed lol
Overall, its a decent purchase.
I have a toddler, who transitioned from a crib to this bottom bunk bed. Her older sister sleeps on the top. We have low ceilings and I liked that the 2 year old wont have far to fall if she rolls out of bed. My oldest has plenty of room to sit up, in fact theres plenty of room between the bottom and top as well. My 12 year old helped me assemble, though I could have done it alone probably. It was a breeze to put together. If I had to list a con, itd be that its kinda loud when the older kiddo moves around in the top bunk, but its okay.
Very sturdy. The only way this bed will break is if you have kids hanging on it and tearing it up and jumping up and down really hard. I read the other comments and was kinda scared to buy it but not that I have put it up I see its just some people do not take care of things. Beds are meant for sleeping. But hey I raise a strict house hold w/4 kids
I had a real hard time trying to find a bunk bed for my brother and me. His weight is 260 lbrs and I am 150 lbrs. We were really worried about this purchase, but it ended it up being totally worth it, we could optimize spaces and it was fun to ensembled and also quite easy too. Totally recommended
We bought this for our twin 5 year olds as an upgrade from a twin size bunk. I was hoping buying a brand new bed would be better than the 15 year old one. I read several other online reviews saying this one was the one to buy and had a great price point too. Assembly wasnt difficult, but just was very annoying. 81+ plastic pieces to snap on for bed support rather than just adding 4 more bars? Silly. When we finally got it all put together, it seems not as stable as I was hoping. I swear we tightened as much as we could but still seems to move more than I like. I also read that it could handle an 18 thick mattress. Nope! We had to add a toddler bed guard as the railing on top so our little one doesnt fall off. I dont see how you can have a thin enough mattress to be comfortable and be below the top railing so its safe. Kinda bummed but guess its put together so have to keep it.
Good sturdy oversize bunk bed
We have had 3 children sleeping on this bunk bed for a few months now (2 10-year-olds and a 4-year-old) and they really like it. Its sturdy enough for kids and may even be sturdy enough for a teen. The assembly process took longer than Id like, lots of steps! But the assembly instructions were excellent and clear. Were happy with this purchase.
Modern and sleek
I was a little skeptical but Im glad I made the purchase. It was easy to assemble. Its actually very sturdy. I love how there is a lot of space between the beds. My boys love their bed.
No complaints! Perfect first bed for my toddler
Design is relatively simple. The slats are easier than they look. Seems sturdy and met all of my criteria for a first bed for my toddler. Couldnt beat the price either (got it when it was 30% off), even kept an eye out for a used bunk bed and nothing this affordable.
Great for the price! Sturdy and fits my 2 teen boys.
The bunk beds were delivered quickly and were easy to set up. It came with all screws and tools needed to put together. Very sturdy and is holding my two teen boys (15 and 16 years old). Is not too high to the ceiling. Definately a good bunk bed for the price!
Nice Bunk
Bought two of these bunks...literally took me a whole afternoon to assemble one....wish power tools were feasible...seems sturdy and well built...would buy again
Good for the price
This bed was fairly easy to assemble. I have older teenagers and they havent had many issues with their new bed. My daughter is 5 6 and she def has to duck but shes fond of that. She says it gives her a level of comfort being tucked away in her bed lol Overall, its a decent purchase.
Perfect low profile bunk bed
I have a toddler, who transitioned from a crib to this bottom bunk bed. Her older sister sleeps on the top. We have low ceilings and I liked that the 2 year old wont have far to fall if she rolls out of bed. My oldest has plenty of room to sit up, in fact theres plenty of room between the bottom and top as well. My 12 year old helped me assemble, though I could have done it alone probably. It was a breeze to put together. If I had to list a con, itd be that its kinda loud when the older kiddo moves around in the top bunk, but its okay.
Great bed
Very sturdy. The only way this bed will break is if you have kids hanging on it and tearing it up and jumping up and down really hard. I read the other comments and was kinda scared to buy it but not that I have put it up I see its just some people do not take care of things. Beds are meant for sleeping. But hey I raise a strict house hold w/4 kids
Excellent purchase
I had a real hard time trying to find a bunk bed for my brother and me. His weight is 260 lbrs and I am 150 lbrs. We were really worried about this purchase, but it ended it up being totally worth it, we could optimize spaces and it was fun to ensembled and also quite easy too. Totally recommended
Not all its cracked up to be
We bought this for our twin 5 year olds as an upgrade from a twin size bunk. I was hoping buying a brand new bed would be better than the 15 year old one. I read several other online reviews saying this one was the one to buy and had a great price point too. Assembly wasnt difficult, but just was very annoying. 81+ plastic pieces to snap on for bed support rather than just adding 4 more bars? Silly. When we finally got it all put together, it seems not as stable as I was hoping. I swear we tightened as much as we could but still seems to move more than I like. I also read that it could handle an 18 thick mattress. Nope! We had to add a toddler bed guard as the railing on top so our little one doesnt fall off. I dont see how you can have a thin enough mattress to be comfortable and be below the top railing so its safe. Kinda bummed but guess its put together so have to keep it.
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