This is so cute in my bathroom. It houses all my overflow of things. It’s a little smaller than anticipated but there is my fault for not measuring. It’s fairly easy to assemble but I would suggest definitely having a power drill around. It’s also pretty sturdy.
Very delicate. The most minor bump or rub takes off the finish or leaves a dent. I know I wasn’t buying high-end stuff, but I thought it would be a tiny bit more durable. Lots of parts to put together. It is nice looking otherwise. Be sure to look at the dimensions, it is a really small cabinet.
Took a while to arrive. Seems the virus has slowed down some deliveries. We had no issues putting it together. Looks really nice. Bought it for a small space in my bathroom to hold towels and some stuff that doesnt fit in the cabinet under the sink. Seems sturdy enough for its use. Guess you just need to be sure everything is cranked down. Seen other reviews that said it was wobbly. Mine is not. I picked it up myself and moved it into place.
Its alright. Way too small for what I need but Ive already put it together so I guess im stuck with it. It was my fault for trusting the product photos and not looking at the actual measurments. The photo of the shelf next to the chair is VERY innacurate. The shelf is barely waist high. There is absolutely no way I would have paid close to $100 for something so dinky had I paid closer attention.
Super cute for my space
This is so cute in my bathroom. It houses all my overflow of things. It’s a little smaller than anticipated but there is my fault for not measuring. It’s fairly easy to assemble but I would suggest definitely having a power drill around. It’s also pretty sturdy.
Love it!
very nice! really love it!
Probably wouldn’t buy again
Very delicate. The most minor bump or rub takes off the finish or leaves a dent. I know I wasn’t buying high-end stuff, but I thought it would be a tiny bit more durable. Lots of parts to put together. It is nice looking otherwise. Be sure to look at the dimensions, it is a really small cabinet.
Difficult to assemble
All in all looks nice and fits what I bought it for. However, assembly was extremely difficult.
Deeper drawers would be better
Deeper drawers would be better
Fits my needs
Easy to put together, and it is a space saver for the bathroom
Wooden Bathroom Floor Cabinet
Took a while to arrive. Seems the virus has slowed down some deliveries. We had no issues putting it together. Looks really nice. Bought it for a small space in my bathroom to hold towels and some stuff that doesnt fit in the cabinet under the sink. Seems sturdy enough for its use. Guess you just need to be sure everything is cranked down. Seen other reviews that said it was wobbly. Mine is not. I picked it up myself and moved it into place.
Dont Trust Product Shots - TINY
Its alright. Way too small for what I need but Ive already put it together so I guess im stuck with it. It was my fault for trusting the product photos and not looking at the actual measurments. The photo of the shelf next to the chair is VERY innacurate. The shelf is barely waist high. There is absolutely no way I would have paid close to $100 for something so dinky had I paid closer attention.
Bathroom cabinet
Very small for the price
Buy it is nice
Look good and strong material
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