Although it is smaller than what I would’ve liked it to be, it still made for the perfect bathroom cabinet. It was definitely easy to assemble (especially if there’s 2 people) doesn’t take long to put together. Very sturdy. As far a storage capacity, perfect for everyday personal care items toothpaste, toilet paper, soaps/body wash, some hair products; able to fit wash clothes but not towels.
It is much smaller than the pictures. There were no real instructions. Took a long time to assemble. The magnets seems a little off and it keeps opening.. it looks nice but thats it.
Sturdy and small to fit in a tight space. Assembly took a bit of time (about 2 hours) and was similar to an IKEA product. Overall, nice product so far.
Very nice and easy to put together. I wish I would have looked at the measurements because it’s way smaller than I thought it would be.
Cute cabinet
Not great assembly instructions
Decent size bathroom cabinet
Although it is smaller than what I would’ve liked it to be, it still made for the perfect bathroom cabinet. It was definitely easy to assemble (especially if there’s 2 people) doesn’t take long to put together. Very sturdy. As far a storage capacity, perfect for everyday personal care items toothpaste, toilet paper, soaps/body wash, some hair products; able to fit wash clothes but not towels.
Its just OK
It is much smaller than the pictures. There were no real instructions. Took a long time to assemble. The magnets seems a little off and it keeps opening.. it looks nice but thats it.
Nice product, takes some time to assemble though.
Sturdy and small to fit in a tight space. Assembly took a bit of time (about 2 hours) and was similar to an IKEA product. Overall, nice product so far.
Nice for a small bathroom just what I needed for a small bathroom
I did not assemble it someone else did
Great for the money
This cabinet works great for our decor and fit of our bathroom.
Looks great
I love the look. It shelves and drawers. So convenient for a small area, with lots of storage.
Great little cabinet
Easy to assemble. Has lots of storage room. I love the gray color.
Absolutely love it
Love it.
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