This is definitely a great purchase. I measured the space needed to be filled and it fit perfectly. Extremely elated with my purchase. The material is sturdy and it was an easy assemble. Love it!
Convenient and detailed assembly instructions are included with this cabinet. Therefore, my husband collected it during the day. I really like this csbinet.
This is just right for the spot I needed it for. It is not large, but it is well constructed and adds very convenient storage in my small dressing room.
The assembly instructions were very easy to follow. It called for a 2 man team to assemble but I assembled it by myself. Loved that there were stickers on the parts that helped identify the pieces. Only down side was that one of the drawer had a improper drill hole on the side so I could not use the drawer stop on that side of the drawer. It does not hold oversized towels real well so it’s perfect for face cloths and hand towels. Super cute
This adds a lot of storage in very little space! I’ve not had it long, but I doubt it will hold up over time. Fortunately for me, I have it in my bedroom, where it won’t get damp or wet, as that would hasten it’s demise. The style is attractive, and design functional. I don’t recommend this cabinet for hair appliance storage, as it is not deep enough to hold these items. It is good for bottles, boxes and items that need to go in a drawer.
A lot of pieces but beautiful when complete.
Looks like an ikea nightmare once out of the box
Gets scuffed during assembly.
Lots of storage
Perfect size
Honestly it looks great in my living room and Id really like to maybe add to my bedroom as well. It would be a great sub for a night stand if you have a tall bed or dont mind the height. The drawers would be perfect for lotion, toys, batteries, flashlight and misc stuff and would even fit socks and underwear.
Comes in so MANY pieces.
Perfect for my tight space , hold everything.
Great product
This is definitely a great purchase. I measured the space needed to be filled and it fit perfectly. Extremely elated with my purchase. The material is sturdy and it was an easy assemble. Love it!
easy to assemble!
Plenty of storage and easy to put together! I screwed up with shipping address and company was great to work with.
There are convenient and detailed assembly instructions.
Convenient and detailed assembly instructions are included with this cabinet. Therefore, my husband collected it during the day. I really like this csbinet.
Just fits
This is just right for the spot I needed it for. It is not large, but it is well constructed and adds very convenient storage in my small dressing room.
Easy assembly
The assembly instructions were very easy to follow. It called for a 2 man team to assemble but I assembled it by myself. Loved that there were stickers on the parts that helped identify the pieces. Only down side was that one of the drawer had a improper drill hole on the side so I could not use the drawer stop on that side of the drawer. It does not hold oversized towels real well so it’s perfect for face cloths and hand towels. Super cute
Nice cabinet used in bathroom
Holds a lot in a small space
This adds a lot of storage in very little space! I’ve not had it long, but I doubt it will hold up over time. Fortunately for me, I have it in my bedroom, where it won’t get damp or wet, as that would hasten it’s demise. The style is attractive, and design functional. I don’t recommend this cabinet for hair appliance storage, as it is not deep enough to hold these items. It is good for bottles, boxes and items that need to go in a drawer.
dont freak out, its worth it
A lot of pieces but beautiful when complete. Cons: Looks like an ikea nightmare once out of the box Gets scuffed during assembly. Pros Solid Beautiful Lots of storage Perfect size Honestly it looks great in my living room and Id really like to maybe add to my bedroom as well. It would be a great sub for a night stand if you have a tall bed or dont mind the height. The drawers would be perfect for lotion, toys, batteries, flashlight and misc stuff and would even fit socks and underwear.
Assembly was not to difficult and it seems very sturdy. Storage area was a little smaller than I was hoping for. Overall I am pleased with it.
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