I love it! I just got it 3 days ago and have used it every day so far. Very sturdy, easy to assemble. I can bounce for a good hour with music on and its fun!
It was a little harder to assemble than I had hoped. Especially the support bar. But once I figured it out, it is very sturdy and safe.
Its also pretty light, considering how sturdy it is. I had to move it downstairs to my basement workout room / it was very easy to do.
Love that I can fold this up and put it in the corner. The legs have to screw on and off each time you fold it, I wish they were attached and just folded in but it only takes a few seconds to put them on. They screw in so make sure you do it well or it can feel a little wobbly.
Easy to assemble.
LOVE! Working out is finally fun!
I love it! I just got it 3 days ago and have used it every day so far. Very sturdy, easy to assemble. I can bounce for a good hour with music on and its fun!
Great product for the price point
My kids enjoy it and it is great that I can fold it up to put it out of the way when not using it
Great Product
Great for in house workout! Quick to put together.
Extremely easy to ensemble
Was extremely easy to ensemble and has a sturdy base the calories will shed with this trampoline love it
Very sturdy and strong. It handles my weight with no trouble.
It was a little harder to assemble than I had hoped. Especially the support bar. But once I figured it out, it is very sturdy and safe. Its also pretty light, considering how sturdy it is. I had to move it downstairs to my basement workout room / it was very easy to do.
Its aming
It was aming you can do alot
Worth the price
Love that I can fold this up and put it in the corner. The legs have to screw on and off each time you fold it, I wish they were attached and just folded in but it only takes a few seconds to put them on. They screw in so make sure you do it well or it can feel a little wobbly.
Just as described
Just as described.
Easy assembly and easy to store
Easy to assemble, heard a couple squeaks but still lots of fun
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