I would have given it a 5 but the box of springs was ripped open and two springs were missing. We are waiting to hear back from the seller. Other than that we are happy with the product and our grand daughter is enjoying it every day. It appears to be very sturdy and was easy to assemble.
Update, the response from the company was immediate, seem to have good customer service, very pleasant and easy to work with.
This was pretty easy to assemble. My husband and I did it in about 1.5 hours. We thought the directions were easy to follow. My two year old loves it and I was even jumping with him with no issues. Would definitely recommend this trampoline!
Simple to assemble, the kids love it and its perfect for our son to play on his own while big sister is at school and then share with her when she comes home from school.
I am very satisfied for this product, it is very worth for this Price , my kids are love this Trampoline. Me and my husband fixed this thought of tough but the instruction is very helpful. We are very satisfied and happy to refer my friends.
Since I wrote this review, the company contacted me and replaced the shoddy pad with a more sturdy one and its holding up great!!
This was pretty easy to assemble but I am very disappointed in the quality of the mat that goes over the springs and protects the kids from getting hurt. There are ties attached to the mat that you tie underneath the trampoline and all but one broke off within a week of my kids using the trampoline. Now we are constantly trying to fix it and making sure it stays every time the kids go in it. Very disappointed for the money we paid!!!
I love this trampoline perfect for kids.
Easy to assemble.
I would have given it a 5 but the box of springs was ripped open and two springs were missing. We are waiting to hear back from the seller. Other than that we are happy with the product and our grand daughter is enjoying it every day. It appears to be very sturdy and was easy to assemble. Update, the response from the company was immediate, seem to have good customer service, very pleasant and easy to work with.
Great Product
This was pretty easy to assemble. My husband and I did it in about 1.5 hours. We thought the directions were easy to follow. My two year old loves it and I was even jumping with him with no issues. Would definitely recommend this trampoline!
Great first trampoline!
Simple to assemble, the kids love it and its perfect for our son to play on his own while big sister is at school and then share with her when she comes home from school.
loved it
my kids ages 3,4 and 10 love to jump on the trampoline
Awesome Product
I am very satisfied for this product, it is very worth for this Price , my kids are love this Trampoline. Me and my husband fixed this thought of tough but the instruction is very helpful. We are very satisfied and happy to refer my friends.
Updated Since I wrote this review, the company contacted me and replaced the shoddy pad with a more sturdy one and its holding up great!! This was pretty easy to assemble but I am very disappointed in the quality of the mat that goes over the springs and protects the kids from getting hurt. There are ties attached to the mat that you tie underneath the trampoline and all but one broke off within a week of my kids using the trampoline. Now we are constantly trying to fix it and making sure it stays every time the kids go in it. Very disappointed for the money we paid!!!
It was fairly simple to put together and seems sturdy!
Holds more weight so it says with good bounce
Easy to assemble, great bounce company responds immediately when you have questions. Springs and pad are on the inside of the safety net FYI
Needs better instructions.
Needs better instructions and the net isnt the best but good product.
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