Upon arrival, I was a little overwhelmed at the assembly; however, the instructions where clear and the assembly very easy. Im very happy with the product for the price. Would buy again.
This review does not reflect the longevity of the product as it was just purchased. Anticipating they live up to the price based on the final product. Drawers seemed solid.
My daughter wanted a small bedside table and this was perfect. It also was a great buy for my budget. It was very easy to put together and it is sturdy and durable.
I loved these nightstands , they were very cute but they didnt fit the area I needed them to be. I contacted the company and they were fabulous and handled the return immediately. The order came in a very timely manner and was packaged well to prevent any damage!
Great option for the price!
Upon arrival, I was a little overwhelmed at the assembly; however, the instructions where clear and the assembly very easy. Im very happy with the product for the price. Would buy again. This review does not reflect the longevity of the product as it was just purchased. Anticipating they live up to the price based on the final product. Drawers seemed solid.
GREAT price, great quality!
Shopped a ton of thrift stores and garage sales, but couldnt beat the quality and price for these beauties!
Very economical and beautiful product, light and easy to assemble
Simple, cute and sturdy!
My daughter wanted a small bedside table and this was perfect. It also was a great buy for my budget. It was very easy to put together and it is sturdy and durable.
Built well
This is the perfect size for a small bedroom. The drawers are small but still usable. I would recommend this.
For a small space.
The design is pretty. But the drawers are too small.
Great company!
I loved these nightstands , they were very cute but they didnt fit the area I needed them to be. I contacted the company and they were fabulous and handled the return immediately. The order came in a very timely manner and was packaged well to prevent any damage!
So cute
Good material, easy to assemble and super cute
Look great
Came missing a piece. Seller rectified the problem quickly. Easy to assemble. Look great.
Spare bedroom Look at the fashion.
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