The cabinet arrived on time and in excellent condition. I took my time so assembly was about two hours. The instructions were fine and all the pieces fit together nicely. I am a senior so it helped to have someone hold the larger pieces while I screwed them together. The cabinet looks great in the and will be used to organize my gardening stuff. Definity recommend this item.
I couldnt be happier with these units. We needed extra storage in the basement and these were just perfect. They are solid and easy to assemble. The packaging that it came in was very well protected, Ive never seen anything like this before. I highly recommend it.
The cabinet was more difficult to assemble than I thought. Some instructions were vague. Also the cabinet door was not white as picture and description indicated. Was grey just as the rest of the cabinet.
We found that inside the package everything looked like it would have been all right but after taking it apart found dents in the door and on area on the roof panel that we had to straighten out ourselves with some plyers. It wasnt difficult to put together and had good instructions and lots of screws and everything else we needed. On delivery the package itself was beat up but we would not have expected to see the dents. Could have been shipped that way. Once we got it all together it seems quite secure. The doors fit and locked. I think that this is much better than a pressed wood product.
It came on time. Was not damaged. The packaging is the best Ive ever seen! These guys really went above and beyond to make sure this cabinet didnt get damaged, and it wasnt. Very easy to put together. Instructions were easy to follow. This cabinet is exactly as described and as shown in the picture. Very nice at a great price!
seems very sturdy.
A little difficult to put together, seems very sturdy.
Nice , looks good.
Easy instructions to assemble.
A great addition to the
The cabinet arrived on time and in excellent condition. I took my time so assembly was about two hours. The instructions were fine and all the pieces fit together nicely. I am a senior so it helped to have someone hold the larger pieces while I screwed them together. The cabinet looks great in the and will be used to organize my gardening stuff. Definity recommend this item.
Just what we needed
The packaging was aming, was well received by the fellow who had to put it together. Easy to install and we are very happy with our new storage unit.
Really nice and solid, very happy!
I couldnt be happier with these units. We needed extra storage in the basement and these were just perfect. They are solid and easy to assemble. The packaging that it came in was very well protected, Ive never seen anything like this before. I highly recommend it.
Big cabinet.
The cabinet was more difficult to assemble than I thought. Some instructions were vague. Also the cabinet door was not white as picture and description indicated. Was grey just as the rest of the cabinet.
seemed well made but had dents in the door
We found that inside the package everything looked like it would have been all right but after taking it apart found dents in the door and on area on the roof panel that we had to straighten out ourselves with some plyers. It wasnt difficult to put together and had good instructions and lots of screws and everything else we needed. On delivery the package itself was beat up but we would not have expected to see the dents. Could have been shipped that way. Once we got it all together it seems quite secure. The doors fit and locked. I think that this is much better than a pressed wood product.
gives lots of storage space
I used it for additional clothing storage
Sturdy and Lovely to look at
It came on time. Was not damaged. The packaging is the best Ive ever seen! These guys really went above and beyond to make sure this cabinet didnt get damaged, and it wasnt. Very easy to put together. Instructions were easy to follow. This cabinet is exactly as described and as shown in the picture. Very nice at a great price!
No instruction book or page.
Doesnt come with instructions.
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