We bought this for our 13 year old daughter. We love the size of the bed and she loves the color. The velvet material is soft. The assembly was easy but May need assistance in some parts of the assembly. All the tools come with tuned for assembly. This bed is perfect my daughters room and we are very happy with it. Overpriced a bit.
I love this sofa bed. So luxurious looking. Im scared to get anything on it. Invest in some stain protector if you get the tan color. It feels wider than a twin mattress. Not sure why it asked about storage capacity¿
There is no storage Go for it!
This was very easy to assemble, came with all the parts/tools necessary and some extras just in case. I put it together by myself which was not overly difficult, but it would be easier with two people. Seems very sturdy for what it is and is definitely a good value for the price. Fits the mattress I got perfectly, snug but not difficult to get bedding on and off of. It is a little high for a couch (I have a 10 matress on it), but with a higher coffee table it isnt much of an issue. Enough strength.
This bed is awesome my son who is 8 is using it and he picked it out him self it was super easy to assemble. The directions give Enough detail that its a cake walk. Were considering getting another for my daughter. Very good.
We got this for my 10 year olds room and it was perfect. Its sturdy, seems well made and the fabric is thick. It looks great in her room and she loves it! Updated review
Decent daybed for my little space. They kept jacking up the prices on these beds. Its a very simple bed and I think its overpriced but I didnt want to spend any more than this. However, it fit the bill and is functional, conserves space with its simple straight lines. I was on the fence about color. Ended up spending more for the gray but its kind of more than gray. Make sure to re/tighten the bolts after a couple weeks. Very nice
I bought this for my 2½ year old coming out of his crib bed. This way mommy can come snuggle or hang out and watch him place like its a big cozy couch hahah. I did put it together by myself and it was fairly easy, even with a cat and a kid wondering what I was doing. Didnt time how long it took but it didnt take long at all. Great for small spaces.
This bed is great. Easy to assemble. Sturdy. My 7 year old wanted a big kid room. This bed is modern and has clean lines. He feels very grown up now. Its OK.
Great bed with a good price
We bought this for our 13 year old daughter. We love the size of the bed and she loves the color. The velvet material is soft. The assembly was easy but May need assistance in some parts of the assembly. All the tools come with tuned for assembly. This bed is perfect my daughters room and we are very happy with it. Overpriced a bit.
Love it
I love this sofa bed. So luxurious looking. Im scared to get anything on it. Invest in some stain protector if you get the tan color. It feels wider than a twin mattress. Not sure why it asked about storage capacity¿ There is no storage Go for it!
Great option
This was very easy to assemble, came with all the parts/tools necessary and some extras just in case. I put it together by myself which was not overly difficult, but it would be easier with two people. Seems very sturdy for what it is and is definitely a good value for the price. Fits the mattress I got perfectly, snug but not difficult to get bedding on and off of. It is a little high for a couch (I have a 10 matress on it), but with a higher coffee table it isnt much of an issue. Enough strength.
Sturdy. Im not a small man!
Assembly was simple but challenging to get everything to line up. But the frame is sturdy for more than sleeping! Easy to fix.
Its worth it
This bed is awesome my son who is 8 is using it and he picked it out him self it was super easy to assemble. The directions give Enough detail that its a cake walk. Were considering getting another for my daughter. Very good.
PERFECT for my kids room!
We got this for my 10 year olds room and it was perfect. Its sturdy, seems well made and the fabric is thick. It looks great in her room and she loves it! Updated review
Decent day bed
Decent daybed for my little space. They kept jacking up the prices on these beds. Its a very simple bed and I think its overpriced but I didnt want to spend any more than this. However, it fit the bill and is functional, conserves space with its simple straight lines. I was on the fence about color. Ended up spending more for the gray but its kind of more than gray. Make sure to re/tighten the bolts after a couple weeks. Very nice
Beautiful, Sturdy, Soft, Feels Safe
I bought this for my 2½ year old coming out of his crib bed. This way mommy can come snuggle or hang out and watch him place like its a big cozy couch hahah. I did put it together by myself and it was fairly easy, even with a cat and a kid wondering what I was doing. Didnt time how long it took but it didnt take long at all. Great for small spaces.
Highly Recommend!
Best thing I ever bought. Beautiful. With added single mattress it looks like a real cough! Very sturdy. Love these.
Great bed frame
This bed is great. Easy to assemble. Sturdy. My 7 year old wanted a big kid room. This bed is modern and has clean lines. He feels very grown up now. Its OK.
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