Strong and sturdy for periodic guests; while good for occasional visits this would be just fair for a permanent solution. Works great for our grandkids who visit and stay over 5/10 times per month. Works well.
The shipping was fast and the frame was packaged well. In addition it was super easy to assemble, to be honest its basically dummy proof. It came with a handy ratchet tool for the screws and an extra screw, (JIC). The easy/to/follow set up guide was a bonus. I dont know why I see bad reviews on this bed frame, I guess some folks are simply hard to please. I would ignore the negative reviews as the postitive ones out/numbers them by far. So far its doing what it should, Ill try to update in another 6 months. Assembled Quickly.
Like the sturdiness although small defects at 2 corners, poor spot welding so screws dont attach properly. However, it is a sturdy bed frame, with good dimensions. Looks good. This works.
Otherwise good product.
There is nothing to hold the mattress on the frame. Mattress keeps slipping off. Otherwise good product. Think before you buy.
Super easy to put together and exactly what I needed
I love it. Super clear instructions. Fit in the space perfectly. 100 happy It works.
Great for Visiting Grandkids
Strong and sturdy for periodic guests; while good for occasional visits this would be just fair for a permanent solution. Works great for our grandkids who visit and stay over 5/10 times per month. Works well.
Excellent assembly directions
It was a bit larger than I wanted but otherwise Im glad I bought it. Very durable.
Nice and fit
just fit my room size, nice bed frame! Very good value.
Quick Easy Assembly. Affordable Solid Mattress Frame. I Recommend This!
The shipping was fast and the frame was packaged well. In addition it was super easy to assemble, to be honest its basically dummy proof. It came with a handy ratchet tool for the screws and an extra screw, (JIC). The easy/to/follow set up guide was a bonus. I dont know why I see bad reviews on this bed frame, I guess some folks are simply hard to please. I would ignore the negative reviews as the postitive ones out/numbers them by far. So far its doing what it should, Ill try to update in another 6 months. Assembled Quickly.
Easy to install / Looks and feels great
Like the sturdiness although small defects at 2 corners, poor spot welding so screws dont attach properly. However, it is a sturdy bed frame, with good dimensions. Looks good. This works.
Good product as advertised
It was easy to assemble . As advertised Do the work.
Daughter so happy
Daughter wanted to change her room and choose this frame, she is super happy and I am happy with price and simplicity of putting it together Awesome!
Well made sturdy easy to assemble.
Really like amount of space allows under bed for storage simple clean line look Fair for the price.
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