The chairs are solid despite their lightness, for durability we will see but I have confidence, For the price I recommend this purchase, they are very pretty.
These chairs are comfortable and easily put together but not very sturdy. After 2 weeks of use, the front leg on one chair had started to bend inward (it has since broken off). I contacted the seller and was given a $50 refund. But now I only have 3 out of 4 chairs. Im concerned that the same thing will happen to the remaining chairs. Not happy with this purchase.
These chairs are cheaply made and not very sturdy. Holes dont align and the threading is so bad that the screws dont fit to tighten. I dont recommend this product.
They was easy to put together
I love my chairs but one was a little off track but i guess u get what u pay for
Same as pictures
Beautifull chairs... Great material
Bonne achat
The chairs are solid despite their lightness, for durability we will see but I have confidence, For the price I recommend this purchase, they are very pretty.
Very thankful
Attractive style
Buyer Beware
These chairs are comfortable and easily put together but not very sturdy. After 2 weeks of use, the front leg on one chair had started to bend inward (it has since broken off). I contacted the seller and was given a $50 refund. But now I only have 3 out of 4 chairs. Im concerned that the same thing will happen to the remaining chairs. Not happy with this purchase.
Cheap quality.
These chairs are cheaply made and not very sturdy. Holes dont align and the threading is so bad that the screws dont fit to tighten. I dont recommend this product.
Not as comfortable as I thought it would be
keep selling
They are better quality 100%
Great color
A bit rough to assemble, I think my shipment was missing something. They are sturdy and provided good-looking chairs in a pinch. The color is amazing.
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