It is definitely good quality for the money paid. Its sturdy and easy enough to put together. It is thinner than I had imagined, but it actually works better that way in the space I needed it in.
This is best assembled by two people, just to offer a heads-up. The instructions are clear and logical, and the piece went together with very little problem. Its a coat-rack, with four sturdy hooks, a bench - and a storage for multiple pairs of shoes. The general style is kind of a modern Shaker - plain, foursquare and above all, functional. It is veneer over composition, so may not last nearly as long as it would if made of solid wood. But for the price, it compares very well to a similar item .
Worth it
It is definitely good quality for the money paid. Its sturdy and easy enough to put together. It is thinner than I had imagined, but it actually works better that way in the space I needed it in.
Shorter than I assumed
Great and sturdy. Just a little shorter than I expected
Sturdy and Stylish
This is best assembled by two people, just to offer a heads-up. The instructions are clear and logical, and the piece went together with very little problem. Its a coat-rack, with four sturdy hooks, a bench - and a storage for multiple pairs of shoes. The general style is kind of a modern Shaker - plain, foursquare and above all, functional. It is veneer over composition, so may not last nearly as long as it would if made of solid wood. But for the price, it compares very well to a similar item .
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