Quality product delivered with fast delivery. Recommended seller. Keep up the good work. We received it very quickly and it was easy to assemble. It was moved upstairs, unpacked and assembled in about two hours. It is sturdy and it looks great! The kids love it and love showing it off to their friends. We are already discussing the possibility of another.
This is a great piece. Bought it for the basement family room and it fits perfectly down there. this is an excellent bunk bed! It took my husband and I about 4 hours to put together,. But for the drawers under the bed, they work wonderfully, I just couldnt out How to put them on with the one screw and one metal piece. But it rests nicely underneath the bed. Sturdy enough for an adult to lay on top, not that I recommend that. Delivery was fast, packaging was definitely safe. Be ready with lots of bags for the wrappings. I have been recommending for everyone.
Easy to put together, comfy and just as easy to disassemble when moving My wife and I are very pleased with this bunk bed. The quality of the wood is excellent. I put it together and I assembles very well and is safe for our children. Also, I spoke directly to and they were professional and prompt. This is a big online purchase, price wise and size wise. I was concerned about delivery, but surprisingly it went very smooth.
**UPDATE** Well, it has been almost three years and we have experienced no issues at all! With the children growing, they can be a little rough on the bed, but it has held up past my expectations! In hindsight, this was a good investment.
I was so excited when I found this bunk bed. It was pretty difficult to assemble but Im sure all bunk beds are. However, within the first day of having it the top planks were separating from the top rail. Also the trundle wheels dont seem like they will last and arent quality. Im waiting for them to break.
Five Stars
received with good condition... thanks seller... good job Top quality
Excellent bed!
Quality product delivered with fast delivery. Recommended seller. Keep up the good work. We received it very quickly and it was easy to assemble. It was moved upstairs, unpacked and assembled in about two hours. It is sturdy and it looks great! The kids love it and love showing it off to their friends. We are already discussing the possibility of another.
this is an excellent bunk bed
This is a great piece. Bought it for the basement family room and it fits perfectly down there. this is an excellent bunk bed! It took my husband and I about 4 hours to put together,. But for the drawers under the bed, they work wonderfully, I just couldnt out How to put them on with the one screw and one metal piece. But it rests nicely underneath the bed. Sturdy enough for an adult to lay on top, not that I recommend that. Delivery was fast, packaging was definitely safe. Be ready with lots of bags for the wrappings. I have been recommending for everyone.
My wife and I are very pleased with this bunk bed
Easy to put together, comfy and just as easy to disassemble when moving My wife and I are very pleased with this bunk bed. The quality of the wood is excellent. I put it together and I assembles very well and is safe for our children. Also, I spoke directly to and they were professional and prompt. This is a big online purchase, price wise and size wise. I was concerned about delivery, but surprisingly it went very smooth. **UPDATE** Well, it has been almost three years and we have experienced no issues at all! With the children growing, they can be a little rough on the bed, but it has held up past my expectations! In hindsight, this was a good investment.
My grand daughters loves their beds!
Parts are already falling apart
I was so excited when I found this bunk bed. It was pretty difficult to assemble but Im sure all bunk beds are. However, within the first day of having it the top planks were separating from the top rail. Also the trundle wheels dont seem like they will last and arent quality. Im waiting for them to break.
Great beds for three grandchildren!
Great bed to accommodate three grandchildren.
Kids love it
Kids love it...
Not as sturdy as I wanted
It needs to be more sturdy.
Lake House Bunk Beds
Great for my daughter and son-in-laws lake house. Kids love them!
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