Went together pretty easily. I put it together by myself so it took longer than it would with two people. The desk part was a bit damaged but other than that it is really sturdy! Nice for the price.
My 3 year old has been hanging and jumping like a monkey. I have slept on top and bottom bunk many nights. Bed and ladder have held up. Husband (220lb) + me (130lb) plus toddler 35lb with no issue. Good product for its value
I got it for my kids . The bed came on time in good condition,book and tools in box with all the instructions, made it easy to fix. To tell you the truth, that was a brand new bed! With an affordable price . Much better than the store and delivery was after new year. Look at me with my bed since 18th with . I Love Prime! Love the color and it was very comfortable
It took forever to put together, but this bed is extremely sturdy and worth every penny!! Im glad I made the investment for my boys!! It arrived on time
The bed is very sturdy, great color, does not make noise when climbing up to the top bunk, came quickly, and easy to put together. I am 56 and can sit completely up under the top bunk with an eight inch mattress. My children really like their new bed. I highly recommend. Its a good product
I am a petite person and I was able to assemble this alone. My kids love it and so far it can withstand 3 monsters who use it like a jungle gym Best quality product
Went together pretty easily. I put it together by myself so it took longer than it would with two people. The desk part was a bit damaged but other than that it is really sturdy! Nice for the price.
Just as pictured
Doesnt squeak. Good quality. Perfect color. My boys love it. Exceeded my expectations
My 3 year old has been hanging and jumping like a monkey. I have slept on top and bottom bunk many nights. Bed and ladder have held up. Husband (220lb) + me (130lb) plus toddler 35lb with no issue. Good product for its value
prime is the best. Dont be afraid to have your membership.
I got it for my kids . The bed came on time in good condition,book and tools in box with all the instructions, made it easy to fix. To tell you the truth, that was a brand new bed! With an affordable price . Much better than the store and delivery was after new year. Look at me with my bed since 18th with . I Love Prime! Love the color and it was very comfortable
Worth EVERY Penny!
It took forever to put together, but this bed is extremely sturdy and worth every penny!! Im glad I made the investment for my boys!! It arrived on time
Loft bed
Pretty useful item, i really like it I was so excited to use it
Great bed!!!
The bed is very sturdy, great color, does not make noise when climbing up to the top bunk, came quickly, and easy to put together. I am 56 and can sit completely up under the top bunk with an eight inch mattress. My children really like their new bed. I highly recommend. Its a good product
Great value, nice design
Our son loves his bed. We havent had any issues and it looks great. It is ok for the use.
Very easy to set up
I am a petite person and I was able to assemble this alone. My kids love it and so far it can withstand 3 monsters who use it like a jungle gym Best quality product
Good value
Very good value for the money! highly disappointed!!!
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